thelovelylibrarylady's reviews
1029 reviews

Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin

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Emily Austin’s writing makes me feel like I’ve never had an original thought or feeling. Honestly, the number of ways I can relate to her protagonists is something that should be studied. Her characters are perfectly imperfect, and the stories Austin crafts for them are incredibly readable. She has quickly become an auto-read author for me, and I’m excited for her next title!
(I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed above are my own.)
The Perfect Rom-Com by Melissa Ferguson

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To be completely honest, I gave The Perfect Rom-Com five-stars purely on vibes. This book is the cutest book I have ever read. The writing itself is just okay, and the grand finale is a little unrealistic, but the chemistry between Bryony and Jack is exceptional. Be prepared to giggle and kick your feet in the air while you read this adorable romance. 
(I received an audio recording of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed above are my own.)
You, with a View by Jessica Joyce

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I was astonished when I learned that this title was Joyce’s romance debut. Noelle, the protagonist, is grieving the loss of her grandmother while navigating her feelings for Theo, her former high school rival. You, With a View is cute with a capital C and a must-read for romance fans!
Fatal Throne by Linda Sue Park, Jennifer Donnelly, Candace Fleming, M.T. Anderson, Stephanie Hemphill, Lisa Ann Sandell, Deborah Hopkinson

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As someone with little knowledge of Tudor history, I found Fatal Throne to be an excellent introduction to King Henry VIII and his wives. I highly recommend listening to the audiobook version of this title, as it features a full cast, and the narrators are fantastic. My favorite perspective to read was Anne of Cleves'. Apart from that perspective, however, I found the quality of the writing to be just okay. I think I will eventually read Wolf Hall, another historical fiction novel set in this period, as it has received many positive reviews.