Read for work. I can see why this was (is?) a best-seller. The science is definitely flawed, but it *feels* true, which is why it appeals. The author for sure made some claims and then dug around for studies to support. I did really like Chapter 3, in which he talks about "safetyism" and how parenting styles have contributed to social anxiety in children. If I sat next to the author at a dinner party, I would leave.
Sy Montgomery has such a great voice, and listening to this book was like going to her house for a dinner party and meeting her "ladies." I love how it is rooted in cited science but also her personal stories and experience. Very short.
Very creepy, atmospheric, and twisty. I thought the reveals paid off and weren't too unbelievable. A bit slow in the beginning but definitely picked up.
This was good, if a touch heavy-handed. I really enjoyed how fleshed out the characters in the town were. I listened to the audiobook which was well-done, but I would have liked to read it on my Kobo so that I could have quick searched characters names to keep them all straight.
A sweeping family mystery that slowly unravels over 70 years. Not my usual thing, but I did enjoy this, even if it didn't have me rapt turning pages. Also the ending was a little too unbelievable, but not in an entirely bad way?
Feeling a bit torn. While I loved the women's stories, which felt true and authentic, the mixing of fiction and non here got a little slippery. I was really hoping for an author's note detailing her research and process.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This was such a joy. It was fun to read a book on the fluffier side that wasn't all romance (not that there's anything wrong with romance). I loved the characters, even the VERY man-written-by-a-woman husband, Sam. I already miss them.
This just wasn't for me. It was incredibly simplistic with vanilla characters. I was intrigued by the potential in the grandparents' story but there was no substance there either. The writing felt very YA except for the sex scenes, which also didn't do much for me. I'm happy so many others enjoyed it though!!