sannareads's reviews
605 reviews

Fantasy by Malte Persson

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I wish that this was something for me but sadly it wasn’t. Perhaps I’ll read it again in the future and see if I think differently then ❤️
Lappin and Lapinova by Virginia Woolf

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This was very unique and sometimes sweet, sometimes confusing. I haven’t read anything by Virgina Woolf before, perhaps I’ll understand her writing more after reading more written by her. 🐇
Ett vattentätt alibi by Agatha Christie, Helen Ljungmark

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Interesting and well written!
I haven’t read anything by Agatha Christie before but now I really want to read more of her work. ❤️
Frid på jorden by Selma Lagerlöf

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Very well written and interesting.
I don’t believe I’ve read anything by Selma Lagerlöf before, so her writing is new to me. But I did like it! ❤️
Fästmön by Anton Chekhov

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I enjoyed this short story very much! The way Chekhov writes is beautiful and detailed, I liked his style of writing very much. This story is very much worth a ready! 😁
Vad det såg ut som by Helena von Zweigbergk

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Tyckte om vissa delar av novellen — tex. Nanny och hur hon hade påverkats av kriget — men annars föll den mig inte riktigt i smaken. 😊
De blindas rike by Alan Asaid, H.G. Wells

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This was a novel that really made you start to think. I believe that it sends an important message and that it was a good read. 😊
Would I recommend it? Yes, if you want to read something different yet interesting.
Pastels and Jingle Bells by Christine S. Feldman

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A very cute Christmas story, that is a mix of both happy times and sad memories. Trish is such a lovable character that I would love to read more about! 🎄
A Christmas Gift by Stella Wilkinson

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This was a sweet short story about childhood friends Holly & Caleb. Sadly it wasn’t as Christmas:y as I’d hoped nor did it surprise me in any way. Would I recommend it? Sure! If you want to read a quick Christmas story about two teenagers, that’s sweet and fast paced!🎄
True Love at Christmas by Juliette Duncan

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This short novel isn’t only about Christmas, it’s also about appreciating your loved ones and your family. The story has a very important message and was both heartwarming and beautiful. 🎄