Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy to review. This is a gardeners dream book! Whether a beginner or a more advanced gardener, I'm sure you'll find something new in this book. The book was easy to read, there are spots to make notes for the particulars of your region, and detailed instructions on a variety of plants.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy to review. This was an enjoyable read, just a slow and slightly repetitive one. I enjoyed reading the history of preschool and the layers of class and race (presented throughout the book). Using only two schools to present her argument seemed insufficient but did portray the points using the research presented. An excellent example of the intersections of race and class.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy to review. I've followed this creator on her socials and love that they have a book out. The book is easy to follow and quite easy for a beginner to get started and finish a project. There are templates included, ideas for projects, and lots of tips for making embroidery fun and easy. I'd recommend this to any beginner.
Very detailed, some beginner recipes and some advanced recipes. I'm a visual person so more pictures would have helped. This was an ebook though, maybe the physical copy is different.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy to read. Monica Potts sets out to investigate the causes of poverty, specifically the poverty of women from rural areas of America. Overall I enjoyed this book, one of my top genres to read is investigative journalism. Though listed as memoir, my experience reading this was somewhere in the middle. Connecting several systemic issues, she describes a situation that leaves many opportunities for someone to "fall into" and stay in poverty. The memoir side of the book was a bit difficult for me. Comparing her and her best friend's life choices it came across as judgmental-towards her friend as well as the town. The last chapter or two threw me for a loop as well as (*SPOILER*) she moved back to that same town she spent the whole book criticizing.