Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
First, there was trust. Then, there was betrayal. You cannot have one without the other.
Honestly, even though this book used to be a DNF for me, I liked it immensely now. It was so lifelike, and I would even say modern, in a word, brilliantly written.
The characters were lovable, each in their own way (well, except for James, he was more of a toxicer) little Eliza was a staple of my heart, but Nella was still my favourite. The tremendous helpfulness, acceptance, and struggle that burned within her was extremely inspiring.
Although the plot ran on two time threads, it was not confusing, the events followed each other nicely, it was understandable and simple. Basically, it took place over a few days (both modern and past) so I think the time was right. I really liked the wording, it was a bit like reading a diary, and even the first-person POV didn't bother me. The end was closed nicely, albeit slightly open.
Overall, I really liked it and recommend it to anyone who loves history and poisons, but doesn't want anything big.
Sometimes we must be led by duty, and sometimes by what is right....The trick is to know when these things are the same, and when they are not
Okay, now how do i put into words a whole life feeling? I mean, really. I liked this book incredibly, oh my goodness, every minute of it.
I loved the characters, but especially Clytemnestra's passionate and well-developed soul, she is my favorite for sure. Helen, though likable, had actions i couldn't agree with, and what surprised me the most was that Menelaus was quite lovable on my part.
The plot was okay, it covered quite well what was supposed to happen but with minor changes. The time jumps were not distracting and the pace was adequate. The ending got a nice closure, I have no reason to complain about it. Overall, it brought the level I expected.
I recommend it to those who love warrior women who raise their voices and attack back. For those who love Greek mythology and are able to read anything to get closer to these legends.
Men wants us so badly for our bodies, yet hate us so much for our minds.
I know how bad a negative review can be, so i try to be gentle because it definitely wasn't my book.
I liked Zetian's character, or at least understood her. She is a true free spirit, full of energy and revenge with which she can burn the universe. And there is my Shimin who is in my whole heart, he deserves so much, so much better. I love their relationship so much, i'm so sorry we got so little of them.
The plot was confusing for me and couldn't hold my attention seriously, the pace was a bit fast, but i liked the references to mythology.
Mértékkel élj, hogy mérhetetlenek legyenek boldog napjaid!
Ez a könyv a mindenem. Őszintén, minden, amire vágyok egy könyvben; egy jó kis nyomozás, nagyszerű (gyakran árnyalt) karakterek, csodálatos fogalmazás és történet, korszerű leírások egy kis romantikával meghintve.
Mili ellopta a szívem már rögtön az első pillanattól kezdve. Egészen fiatal korára való tekintettel rettentően talpra esett, olykor makacs, de intelligens és értelmes lány volt, aki nem félt a végsőkig elmenni, hogy vissza szerezze a nővérét.
Richárd, valahogy engem nem sikerült elsőre elvarázsolnia, aminek így vissza gondolva talán én vagyok az oka. Távolságtartó és a sötétségben járó árny volt, de végtelenül udvarias és a maga módján szerethető báró. Arra, hogy hogy veszítette el a karját az 6. részben kapunk csak választ és őszintén szóval megértem miért ilyen amilyen.
Agáta mama és Terka néni vitték a hátukon az egész sorozatot, hogy őszinte legyek. Az előbbi az arisztokratikus személyiségével a másik pedig a kedveségével segítette a karaktereket. Nagyon-nagyon megszerettem őket. Emma borzasztóan sokmindent élt túl - és fog még túlélni - bátran ki merem jelenteni, hogy ő a legerősebb karakter az egész sorozatban. Annyival, de annyival jobbat érdemelt volna annál, amit kapott.
A cselekmény - így újra olvasás után - kicsit lassabb volt mint amire emlékeztem, de ugyan olyan élvezetes, tele fordulatokkal és titkokkal. Egyszerűen a Leányrablás Budapesten sorozat világa örökké a szívembe marad bármi is történjen.
I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth, do you love me?
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about this book. I went into it knowing that I had already seen the series and knew the history, so there were no surprises, but even then, something caught my eye and didn't let me go until the end.
Charlotte was obviously my favorite character, i loved her for being so independent, understanding and helpful, a great queen and George was simply the luckiest man in the world to have her. Their relationship has evolved so much over time that it's incredible, I loved that they both had reservations about it, but they both tried to make the best of it — even in real life.
The plot was understandable and easy to read, the pace was good and the time jumps don't bother me. Basically, i liked it, alone as i said the ending was just fast.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
My greatest wish for humanity is not for peace or comfort or joy. It is that we all still die a little inside every time we witness the death of another. For only the pain of empathy will keep us human. There’s no version of God that can help us if we ever lose that.
I started this book thinking I wouldn't like it anyway, but look at me, I'm here and I love it. There was simply a moment - maybe because of the music playing in my ears - but something clicked and I decided it would be 5 stars, it would be all and in the end I didn't regret it.
Cintra grew very close to my heart — as did Rowan — and it just hurts so much that she had to go through so much to get the peace of mind she deserved. I also loved Madam Curie, honestly, she had a calm personality who respected death and did not use it for punishment. Their love with Faraday was just tragic, but still so cute, oh my goodness.
Their relationship with Rowan was complicated to say the least, but in the end they found each other back, even when everything was doomed to deteriorate. They are not average, so much has to be left and this is not accompanied by ordinary love.
The plot was difficult to start at the beginning because it was necessary to absorb and understand a new world structure, but in the end it sucked me in, the idea itself is simply phenomenal and even believable. The pace may be a bit slow, but maybe it just seemed like it was a long book. I loved it anyway, it was a really creative and exciting read, and I can't wait to continue.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Do you blame Shakespeare for any of it? I blame him for all of it.
Okay, i finished this book yesterday - by some miracle - but i still don't know how to feel about it. Honestly, i don't even know how many stars to rate it because i'm so confused but i still understand it - that i can't tell you.
Oliver was a very lovable and great protagonist, the kind of person who is somehow in the light, but still has a little bit of darkness in him. The others also grew very close to my heart, especially Philippa and Meredith.
The plot got off to a bit of a difficult start and the random shakespeare quotes were weird, but i liked the atmosphere, it was perfect autumn reading.
Betrayal. Translation means doing violence upon the original, means warping and distorting it for foreign, unintended eyes.
Uhmm hello?? What was that?? Excuse me??
I have to say now that I stared at the wall for minutes, trying to figure out what to do with my life. This book tore me apart, killed me, stabbed me, trampled me to the ground, and I still loved every minute of it.
I loved the characters, but especially Robin, who was incredibly close to my heart, maybe because he was a bit like Rin. And I understand Letty - really do - but I can't forgive her.
The plot was long, but beautiful, understandable and tragic. I loved this book.