pyjamalion's reviews
34 reviews

The Lamplighter by Crystal J. Bell

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I will wait. Holding out for the light to catch.

What can I say but WOW. Sped through this in two days, The Lamplighter had me hooked from page one and kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time!

The dreary Warbler setting is perfect for this mystery, with our main character Temperance. This story is a rollercoaster of emotion, with twists and reveals in every chapter. Tempe, as many people call her, is a proud lamplighter, taking over her father’s position after his death. Being a lamplighter is what it sounds like, lighting the street lamps at dusk, extinguishing them at dawn, but in this case, it’s to help the people of Warbler not get lost in the towns’ strange thick fog that rolls in every night. When a girl goes missing and everything Tempe knows and believes is called into question, she’s determined to get to the bottom line, no matter what. She doesn’t know who - or what - lies in the fog, but she’s determined to find out.

This book is perfect for any horror or gothic fan out there, looking to expand their bookshelf.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!