I really appreciated this overview of Dr. van der Kolk's professional experience supporting people with their trauma, including strategies for coping with it. It's very approachable/ readable (not super jargon-y) & compassionate. Just be prepared for there to be several examples of some pretty grizzly trauma. I definitely spaced out my reading of this, as a result.
Really enjoyed this as a finale to the series & really love this novel from my favorite character's perspective (Sieh) and their growth journey. Really loved this series overall & the short story at the end!
Quick & enoyable read. The 🌶️ scenes were not my favorite (those in the first book were more up my alley), though I enjoyed the tug-of-war situation created by the love potion & the action sequence near the end of the book. A character appears in the back half of the book that might be my favorite one so far in this series.
This book is really well-written, but also an intense read. I ended up skimming it because I wasn't in a place to sit with the heaviness of the threats & hold that white name supremacy/entitlement have over our society.
I really enjoyed this sequel placed in the same world but several years later. More beautiful world-building from the perspective of a blind protagonist who is also an artist. Really incredible & can't wait to see where the third and final installment takes us.
I really enjoyed this beautiful and dark fantasy. It was a universe that was easy to get wrapped up in (the world building is incredible) and the plot was not predictable. I am thrilled that this is a trilogy that gives me more time to immerse myself.
I read the first 60 pages and just couldn't get into it. Even though the stakes are laid out up front, I think this just isn't my kind of fantasy / magic book.
This was a very easy-to-read (and enjoyable!) book about someone experiencing grief and learning about themselves / growing in the process. It's also a sort of mystery/mellow thriller.
I read Katee Roberts for the 🌶️ & parallels to Greek mythology. The storytelling isn't necessarily strong, but the intimacy is extremely well-written / well-employed for plot advancement.