paperbacks_and_planners's reviews
1176 reviews

A Discovery: Love and Other Things by Victoria Woods

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I really loved the first half of this. The setting and premise were everything. And I loved the initial chemistry between the MCs. Where this fell a little flat for me was in the romantic buildup. This was missing any emotional connection. Their physical connection was obvious but nothing that made me believe there was anything more there.
Make Room for Love by Darcy Liao

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 17%.
I'm so, so sad about this one 😭 this started off so strong but quickly lost me... the page after page after page of dialog of them practicing for union recruitment, followed by exposition of them reflecting on practicing for union recruitment, followed by more union recruitment was exhausting. And honestly unbearably boring.
The Shots You Take by Rachel Reid

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This was so damn heartwarming and sweet 🥹 RTC
Portal to Pleasure by Viano Oniomoh

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Exactly what I want from a queer, monster erotica 🤌
Not Catching Love by Saxon James

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3.5⭐️ this was a cute end to the series. Although it's always mildly annoying when the main conflict of the entire book is just... irrelevant in the end 🥴