owihd's reviews
196 reviews

Nenn es nicht Mystery, Band 04 by Yumi Tamura

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informative lighthearted mysterious relaxing


Nach dem langen Familien arc haben die kurzen Geschichten gut getan 🤝
Nenn es nicht Mystery, Band 3 by Yumi Tamura

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Ich liebe wie sie totono als sprachrohr nutzt um undankbare Männer zu belehren 
Happy Medium by Sarah Adler

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It was cozy, was happy - didn't really synch with the characters - cause this is a romcom and the relationship didn't pull me in, it didn't keep my attention, took a little longer to finish.
Something about the language was also not my favorite -> this could have been a part of the characters i didn't like 
Also, her tastes are questionable and sometimes she tmi'ed too much - i feel like some things she could've kept to herself 

I liked the concept though, every time they said kid my mind went to animal crossing..
It didn't hit for me, someone who feels the characters more might like it 
Courting Samira by Amal Awad

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Really unsure about how to rate this. I agree with the review that this feels very conversational and I liked the themes discussed. What I didn't like was the ending and tbh the men TT 
I primarily read this as a Muslim romance book but it leans more into women's fiction I think.
Really, the ending bugged me, it was more bittersweet and I think samiras and menems relationship deserved some more developement ? Or: I'm unsure how well their married life will go after this - although samira is quite the mediator...
I'm dissatisfied idk 
Oh and plus, this lacked drama and messiness, I didn't actually feel the pressure with her and got rather bored somewhere after the middle - it got me back towards the end but yk
Though the narrative voice flowed and I never felt anything wrong there 

So ig I just didn't like where the story went 
(Also in the middle of reading this book my aunties discussed their marriage stories and they were way dramatic than this book and I belive fiction should have one up reality - this book needed more craziness)
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett

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adventurous lighthearted


I think I liked it 
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

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I'm conflicted about this, maybe it'  more of a 2.75?
The first 60% were really not interesting to me (really until Josh was out of the picture), the two girls were not likeable. Sadie was just plain annoying and unreasonable and Lara a creepy ezik stalker.

The end was fine, I had more fun with it and that raised the rating.

I only actually pulled through cause people who didn't like I've got your number liked this one ... maybe Sophie kinsella is just not for me ?

Actually her men are fine but why can she not write more normal women TT They just cannot rest 
I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

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adventurous challenging


I don't know what to feel, it started out well enough, I empathised with her and everything but at 42% I almost dnf-ed cause she started to be real unreasonable and make the choices that were most idiotic and .. I just cannot read stuff where someone constantly humiliates herself and I have to feel the second hand embarrassment. But nevertheless I was bored and kept going and it was actually looking up, stuff was sorted out and I thought maybe we will end on a good note . Well. Yk scenes where the fmc must make the stupidest shit at 90-something% in the book??? That happened and I really don't like that. 
Chick-flicks should be fun but I literally lost years of my life through all the stress and embarrassment and frankly anger TT 
This was my first Sophie kinsella... I'll try one more but if it's the same ...
Seimaden: Volume 1 by You Higuri

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Started for the cover art of the later volumes, story wasn't interesting enough tho, won't be continuing 
Der längste Schlaf: Roman by Melanie Raabe

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adventurous emotional mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Das war die perfekte Mischung an Elementen für mich: Träume, alte Häuser, Mysterien