owihd's reviews
196 reviews

Cheerful Weather for the Wedding by Frances Partridge, Julia Strachey

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No wonder Virginia woolf liked this, I feel just like I felt after finishing Mrs Dalloway ...
No idea what to rate this 
The Arrangement by Mary Balogh

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lighthearted relaxing tense slow-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes


Maybe I do need a bit of drama?
Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas

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adventurous relaxing tense


Is always someone on the verge of death in kleypas books?
Lout of Count's Family (Novel) Vol. 1 by Yu Ryeo-Han

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lighthearted relaxing


Was a nostalgic read but the writing ... did not remember it quite like this. Would definitely  recommend the manhwa over the novel.
I remember mostly liking this because I found Cale to be an intriguing character and that remained the same. 
Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective


It's quite short and I think best consumed in audio format due to it's conversational tone. 
The first part is available as audio on youtube and I would recommend that. 
Unsure how to rate it, but it was definitely interesting and informative but also positive in it's outlook which I like.
The Kindness of Enemies by Leila Aboulela

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adventurous emotional hopeful inspiring reflective sad tense


I have just finished this and I need a week to process but I'll still write my review now.
This book is so personal to me, this made me yearn for spiritual growth. Love the writing, the way she sets the mood, the timing of the timeline jumps and how it creates foreshadowing and tension, the parallels, everything.
I read the beginning online and knew I had to buy this and read it physically immediately and it did not disappoint. 
Despite its themes somehow it didn't feel heavy at all, I just kept wanting to read on and find out about the conclusion. I was not prepared for how emotional this made me, I've currently run out of tissues and am sitting here puffy eyed and snot faced...
I have a feeling most books I read from here on out will feel empty and will be held to a new standard.
This just was written for me, such an emotional whirlwind, so bittersweet. 
A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath

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adventurous emotional lighthearted relaxing


This setting was so new and refreshing, I loved Lizzie, they were cute 
Tevhid ve Kader by İbn Teymiyye

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Hab einige Stellen nicht verstanden, mein türkisch ist einfach zu zayıf. Aber ansonsten immer gut die Grundlagen zu wiederholen.
Simply Unforgettable by Mary Balogh

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hopeful lighthearted relaxing slow-paced


A very calm but exasperating romance. Don't expect smut

After 10 I lost count of how many times he was rejected, truly a romance that can only work in fiction
Altıncı Koğuş by Anton Chekhov, Yulva Muhurcişi

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dark relaxing


Ein wenig zu deprimierend für meinen Geschmack aber immer noch amüsant.