Actually haven't read many books on Islam at all, so take the rating with a grain of salt. This just really helped me with comprehension of some basic ground principles, the examples always illustrated the ideas very well, helped me be more conscious in my actions and goals. I'm gonna have to read some of his writings going into more depth. May Allah have mercy on him and guide us all along the right path.
I don't know how to rate this book, I just finished it and it concluded really nicely and satisfyingly. I guess I didn't completely love the characters? Or more like for how closed off mika was supposed to be she just poured out all her emotions pretty soon and seemingly easily. I always complain about the lack of communication between characters but in this case it was .. I don't know exactly how to say it but the way each character recited their own history and trauma and seemed to have self analysed themselves so well, it felt like therapist talk out of everyone's mouths. But disregarding that the ending did make me happy and overall the idea of the book is also very cute.
Super gut geschrieben, habe das durch einen Buchklub gelesen, hätte es sonst nie in meiner eigenen Freizeit angefasst, die Themen sind so erdrückend. Richtig köy kafa, das Leben könnte so friedlich sein aber nein die köylüs wollten köy kafa machen... Hat sich angefühlt wie ein Buch welches man in der Schule durchnehmen würde, da es die gesellschaftlichen Probleme sehr gut beschreibt und man Hasans Fall ins köy kafa bis zu seinem Bruchpunkt Schritt für Schritt miterleben und nachvollziehen kann. Er war einfach neun, er tut mir so Leid, und die Schuldfrage ist kaum zu beantworten in diesem Buch. Eigentlich sind 3.5 Sterne zu wenig, ich war schon investiert.
I was expecting something completely different, rather upbeat and cute but ... its more reality-based, islamophobia and serious illness ... I'll probably pick it back up if I ever want to feel depressed
I contemplated how to rate this for a long time, but I did enjoy it even though it took me quite a while to read. I couldn't get used to the nickname birdy at all, I must say.