ontheshelftee's reviews
41 reviews

CEO Billionaire Daddy by S.E. Riley

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Super quick read for today - this book was gifted to me from my Amazon wishlist.

CEO Billionaire Daddy by S.E. Riley

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✨ - rating out of 5
Wild Ace by Rebecca Gannon

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✨ - overall rating out of 5
Their Offering by S. Lynn Smith

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I received an ARC of this book, however this does not impact me giving my honest opinion because I would not suggest/or review publicly a book that I did not appreciate.

This is S. Lynn Smith's first book in the series and i will state now IT ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER.
So if thats a turn off for you maybe wait for the rest of the books in the series before diving on in ❤ (but its worth the read regardless so just dive on in and read it right now
The Never King by Nikki St. Crowe

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Oh my gosh

Okay so going into this I didn't expect the spice it had. Nor did I realise it was a Peter Pan retelling story (I guess that's my fault going in blind) but wow I enjoyed it so damn much! And will be reading the next book.

This was my first experience with RH and i utterly loved it. The storyline of neverland loosing its power was a fun plotline.
Their Vicious Darling by Nikki St. Crowe

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I LOVED the way the character development happened in this book with Winnie becoming more and more attached to the lost boys and pan. The idea that there is a light and dark shadow is a fun idea and what happens in this book is enthralling.

the Sexual tension between hook and croc
The Dark One by Nikki St. Crowe

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Vane is by far one of my FAVs in this series and this book is heavy on his story arc and i LIVED for it. and i wish i was winnie. the chase scenes are EVERYTHING
Praise by Sara Cate

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This book made me realise i myself have a praise kink and have never wanted more to be told im a good girl by a book boyfriend than i did reading this. I am all for the Age-Gap, Taboo, exboyfriends dad story and cannot wait to dive into the rest of the series