novelyjaded's reviews
522 reviews

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt

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: I found myself a little disappointed reading this book. It was well written but I didn’t feel it was really the true crime genre. To me, this felt more like a memoir about a man’s love for Savannah and fascination with the people he encountered there with some intrigue thrown in here and there. The cast of characters are interesting and engaging but I felt I knew more about the Lady Chablis at the end than I did about the actual crime.

Savannah is still very much an old southern town. Even in the 1980s, tradition is observed with reverence and strictly adhered to. It should come as no shock that the shots that rang out from the study of one James Williams would cause quite the stir at all levels of Savannah society. One of their most prominent and influential citizens is now on trial for murder.
The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity by William Paul Young, Roger Mueller

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I remember this first time I read this book. It was a the top of the New York Times best seller list and had been for weeks. I sat and read behind the cash register at the small book and toy store where I worked (had my dream job and didn’t even know it
Watership Down by Richard Adams

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If you look into Watership Down, you can draw allegorical conclusions about the superiority of democracy of the other represented forms of government (totalitarianism and communism). But it is also a story of perseverance, courage, loyalty, survival, and community. All from rabbits. If you can handle the dark images of the story, it is a timeless read. It is also something that makes you think about the impact of humanity on nature, from the perspective of something that dwells in nature. Every time I read the book, it feels like more than just a children’s book.