notalek's reviews
280 reviews

Dwie połówki pomidora by Ida Pierelotkin

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funny lighthearted


Nieironicznie super zabawa. Find yourself someone with whom you can be cringe and annoy society together. Podejrzewam, że najlepsza do przeczytania podczas wakacji, ale nawet w lutym poczułem klimat.

PS Bardzo zabawnie się czyta tę książkę, gdy twój chłopak jest team Edward (a większość rzeczy o zmierzchu wiem właśnie przez niego).
Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus by Chuck Tingle

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Not exactly my jam (turns out that when it comes to Chuck Tingle his horrors are more for me), but still there were some fun and cool elements!! I also really like what the author said about this story: that it wasn't written out of spite and hate for transphobes, but out of love for trans people.

PS Bumbleborn is amazing 10/10 no notes. I also find the idea of sentient motorcycles Dellatrix and Braco incredibly funny.
Ale musicale! by Daniel Wyszogrodzki

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+ sporo ciekawostek i anegdot, opisanych tak, że czytałem też o musicalach, utworach i osobach, których w ogóle nie kojarzyłem;
+ naprawdę wiele musicali, mniej lub bardziej znanych. osobiście dodałbym jeszcze więcej, bo zabrakło niektórych wg mnie mocno wpływowych, ale autor na samym początku uprzedza, że wybór był bardzo subiektywny, więc niech mu będzie;
– naprawdę sporo literówek / tego typu błędów, w tym czasem w tytułach...
– czasem autor chyba bardzo chciał być zabawny, ale nie zawsze mu to wychodziło, z czego czasem powychodziły dość... interesujące teksty
Straight by Chuck Tingle

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super pomysł i metafory, sposób napisania tak pół na pół
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle

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I feel like some parts that were skipped over as a timeskip could've been, well, a biiit less timeskipped, but besides that it was sooo good!!! Really felt like a book written for me (as a queer and very probably autistic person who was REALLY into the bible and generally catholicism as a child, and also was a big fan of Peter Pan). I really don't recommend reading this while eating something, especially if what you're eating is pasta and you're at the 1st chapter.
I do wonder what happened after the ending but I guess I can imagine that if I try. (EDIT: I'm now reading what Chuck Tingle wrote about this book on tumblr and I like it more now)
Also I didn't expect the way the camp will play into this story and when I realised Things I was like DAMN OKAY. Same with the Peter Pan references. (I really encourage yall to read what the author wrote about this book in aforementioned tumblr posts!!! Only after finishing it though)

Long story short – I strongly recommend!

BTW through the entire second half of this book i had the song 'Sinners' by Lauren Aquilina playing in my head:

Our lives are stories waiting to be told
In search of silver linings, we discover gold
And judgment taught us that our hearts were wrong
But they're the ones that we'll look down upon

So let's be sinners to be saints
And let's be winners by mistake
The world may disapprove, but my world is only you
And if we're sinners, then it feels like heaven to me

You showed me feelings I've never felt before
We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door
And how can you expect me not to eat
When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?

Our hearts are too ruthless to break
Let's start fires for heaven's sake

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Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle

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adventurous dark funny hopeful


I started this book knowing literally nothing about it except its title, the fact that it's a horror story and one tumblr post I saw that said it's great. And they're right, and I'm glad I knew basically nothing cause oh my god it's so hard to describe it without spoiling anything. If you still wanna know a bit before reading (a reasonable need): there's a guy (Mischa), he writes horror movies and created a lot of creepy characters for them which, well, kinda backfires. And now I can't smell cigarettes without thinking about this book and getting creeped out (fortunately I don't smoke). It's also funny, and when I tried to describe its plot to my friend they commented: "You just sound like a random words generator but it seems like you're having fun". And they were right.
When I was around 85% of this book I wasn't sure if I'll give it 4 or 5 stars or maybe 4.5 or anything else in between, but then I realised that the plot is STILL HAPPENING and locked back in, and I honestly like how everything turned out. 

Be queer and happy. On your own rules.


More thoughts:

– I think the author of this book nailed the concept of rainbow capitalism. "Here at our corporation every month is pride month!!! (as long as it's profitable for us). Slay queen! What's an asexual??"
– I found it quite funny how the nanorobots-with-AI-mimicking-other-characters plot is literally just "Felix, Net i Nika" books but more sinister. And then again there was something like "now it's not only three of us that are in danger but also the rest of the world and it could be the end of the world as we know it...", like that's literally FNiN 15.
– The fucking Smoker was so creepy I think I'll now think about him every time I smell cigarettes. Mischa punching him in the face was so funny though, I laughed out loud in a bus.
– I also really enjoyed those final scenes when Mischa, Zeke and Tara went to meet "Jack" and the AI was just talking more or less openly about stuff. And a contrasting scene earlier, when Mischa was talking with his new (also AI) boss and they were acting normal but both knew what the boss is implying by his "innocent" comments. So sinister.

I think that's it. Damn, that was good.
Niesamowity dwór by Zbigniew Nienacki

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adventurous funny mysterious


[3rd read]

Szczerze jeden z najlepszych tomów tej serii! Cała zagadka starego dworu (i jej tajemnicza tajemniczość) jest naprawdę wciągająca, a Pan Samochodzik jako kustosz jest postacią przekomiczną, razem z panną Wierzchoń i kolegą Bigosem. Do tego balans przygód i wykładów o historii był tu według mnie dobrze zachowany, co nie zawsze się udaje temu autorowi LMAO. Ta książka przypomniała mi, dlaczego kiedyś byłem takim fanem tej serii.
Pan Samochodzik i Fantomas by Zbigniew Nienacki

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[n–ty reread]

still fun, chociaż śmieszy mnie, że 15–letni Robert opowiada o historii Francji i jej zamków w dokładnie taki sam sposób, jak Wielki Historyk Sztuki Tomasz Pan Samochodzik (aka po prostu zostają oni wtedy opętani przez Zbigniewa Nienackiego chcącego ponerdować XD)
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee

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fun!! and Noah is SUCH a younger brother lmao, he reminds me of mine a little bit.
also i'm so glad he didn't end up with Drew, i didn't like that guy from the start.
the real meet cutes really do be the friends we met along the way.
If I See You Again Tomorrow by Robbie Couch

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Bardzo mi się podobał koncept tej książki i jego wykonanie!! Przeczytałem w dwa dni, pomimo bycia w środku wielkiej blokady czytelniczej. Podobało mi się też, że było w niej sporo silnych platonicznych relacji (już istniejących i dopiero nawiązujących się), zamiast zrzucenia ich na dalszy tor dla wątku romantycznego, chociaż z kolei to on na tym cierpi... Nigdy nie byłem fanem instant love i choć mimo wszystko to trochę tutaj pasuje, to jak dla mnie mogliby mieć więcej interakcji między sobą. Polecam jeśli lubicie motyw utknięcia w pętli czasowej i skupienie na budowaniu się połączeń między postaciami.