mistysbookspace's reviews
916 reviews

Ushers by Joe Hill

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 I can't really say a whole lot about this one because it's a short story. When I say short, I mean short. It comes in at only 29 pages. This was offered as an Amazon First Reads extra one month and I ended up picking it because I was familiar with the author, and I was intrigued by the synopsis. Short stories have always been hit or miss for me mainly because I'm always left feeling like I didn't get a full story. I went into this one with low expectations so imagine my surprise when I loved this one. My only complaint is that I wanted more but not in a bad way. I would totally read a full novel of this, and I really wish there was one. 
A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne

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 This was Octobers pick for the Lost in Romance book club that I cohost with a friend. This book has been on my radar for a while now and I am so glad I finally read it because I absolutely loved it. I loved that we got a cinnamon roll demon who was still very monstrous just not to our FMC. I loved that he was pretty much completely clueless when it came to humans because it made for some laugh out loud moments. This book was just so fun to read, and I can't wait to continue on in the series hopefully sooner rather than later. 
No Place to Hide by Harper Ashley, Wren Hawthorne

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 I saw someone mention this book recently and it made me want to read it. This book is on Kindle Unlimited and it's a short book coming in at only 99 pages. There's not a whole lot to say about this book except that I had a great time reading it. It's a very quick read but I do have to say you kind of have to suspend your disbelief with this one. If you can do that than I highly recommend reading it, it was a fun time. 
Skeleton Crew: Stories by Stephen King

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 When it comes to Stephen King my ratings are all over the place. I've absolutely loved some of his books I've disliked some of his books and some of his books are just ok to me. This is one of those books where I thought it was ok. This is a collection of 22 short stories. Some were hits and some were misses. There were only 6 stories that I gave higher than 3 stars. I say this every time a review a collection of short stories but most of the time I feel like we weren't given enough and that was the case for a good bit of these stories. There were also some that once I finished them, I was just like what the heck was the point in that? Overall while there were definitely some standout stories this was just an ok collection for me.  
The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh

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 This book has been on my TBR for so long so I'm happy to say I've finally read it and I buddy read it with Ali. I think a big part of why I kept putting off reading this book was because of what was being said about it when it was first released. I love books with vampires, and I thought I was going to love this but unfortunately it was just ok. I'm having such a hard time putting into words why this didn't completely work for me. Like there was a lot I liked about it. I loved what little bit of a romance we got as well as the suspense/mystery. I loved the friendships/found family aspect and how Celine could give as good as she got. I was intrigued enough to want to continue to the end but at the same time I was kind of bored. The story kind of dragged for me and I wanted more of actual vampires. Also, we needed more foreshadowing because as it is we got absolutely nothing that would lead us to suspect the person(s) it ended up being. All in all, I think I just needed more to fully love this book. I do plan on reading the next book and I'm hoping that one will be better than this one was for me. 
Mayhem Carnival by Scarlett Swan

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 This was a short read coming in at only 65 pages. I loved the premise of this book, but it was too short in my opinion. While I enjoyed it for what it was it just left me wanting so much more when I finished it. I don't really have much else to say about it. Don't go into it expecting some big horror plot because that's not what you will get at all. This is just basically all smut. 
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron

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  This was my 100th book read this year so that means I've completed my reading goal for this year with 2 months to spare. This book was recommended to me by a friend in a Discord group I'm a part of. I have seen this book around and I was interested in reading it but I tend to reach for romance over everything else, so I never picked this one up until now because October 2024 is the month I decided I was finally going to read books I don't normally pick up. I ended up buddy reading this one with another friend DB and overall, we both enjoyed it. I can't talk about this book without some minor spoilers so if you haven't read this one yet then please don't read any further. The first thing that stuck out for me when I started reading it was how much the characters were aware of all the stupid things people do in scary movies. This continued on throughout the book which I loved. Of course, they did some stupid stuff to but when they did, they were aware what they were doing was stupid, but it was the only option they had. Things don't really start to happen until we are about 40% into the book. I didn't see any of the plot twists coming even though I probably should have. There was a cult introduced in the book and that just seemed to come out of nowhere. I wish that there would have been more backstory on them because as is it just felt random and unneeded. I also wish that more of the murders would have actually happened on page. Now for the ending. I liked the ending but at the same time I'm not the biggest fan of open endings. I don't like being left with questions. I don't won't to interpret how I think things went after the ending the author leaves us with. While I did have some minor complaints overall this was a really enjoyable read. 
Winter by Marissa Meyer

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 Man did this book take me forever to read. I started this at the beginning of May and I'm just now finishing it. I was enjoying it when I was reading it but for some reason, I got about 46% into it and then put it down and didn't pick it back up until recently. I was buddy reading this one with Destiny, but she ended up DNFing it about halfway through. Honestly, I don't remember much about the first half of the book since I read that almost 5 months ago now. Overall, I did like this and the series overall but at the same time I'm just glad I can finally say I finished it. I don't really have much else to say about this one. I just need to read the graphic novels and one of the short stories and I can call this series complete.  
Enchanting the Elf by Elle Sterling

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 I read the 1st book in this series back in July and really enjoyed it so I was excited to the ARC for this one. If you've read the first book, then this book starts off where the group of 10 women are already on the island and it goes from there. In the first 6 chapters we are basically reading the same thing that happened in book one, but we get it from Florence and Adelbert's points of view seeing as how I read the first book not too long ago it felt like I was reading the same thing. I like that there was a recap of what happened in the first book, but I think it needed to be cut down a little. Adelbert is an Elf and a grumpy one at that, but I liked seeing him thaw little by little throughout the book. Florence has some corny jokes throughout the book, but it was kind of cute of funny. We immediately know that Florence is attracted to Adelbert and vice versa but whereas Florence isn't opposed to a relationship Adelbert is for the majority of the book. Did I mention this was a slow burn romance? Well, it is. I wanted them to get together for so long and I loved the moment when it finally happened. The only thing I wish we would have gotten was a little more of Adelbert's pining. There was a scene toward the end where Florence stood up to someone for Adelbert and I was so excited when that happened because I was hoping it would. Overall, another really good installment in this series and I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.  
Egotistical Puckboy by Eden Finley, Saxon James

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 I read this for the #Tropeathon prompt secret affair. When I landed on this, I was not happy at first because I don't particularly like reading books that involve cheating but luckily, I came across this one where there is no cheating at all. We get 2 POVs in this book. Ezra who is an out gay man and Anton who is out to some people but not the whole world. At the start of the book, they are on opposing hockey teams and after a game they hook up even though they hate each other. Ezra ends up getting traded to the team that Ezra is on, and things go from there. I loved the banter between these characters, and I loved even more that they didn't lose that banter even when they were a couple. It took me a while to get on board with Ezra but the more I read the more he grew on me. I really enjoyed this one and I definitely will continue this series at some point.