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misstumnus's reviews
982 reviews
The Gin O'Clock Club by Rosie Blake
I can't give this book a higher rating because Lottie was so unpleasant to read about. Which sucks because there was a lot about her feelings and responses that I empathised with, but this book didn't give me a chance with how relentlessly unpleasant she was. Especially since it then attempted to give her a redemptive arc — which really didn't do much.
The Dark by James Herbert
Perhaps pulp horror is not for me? But what really stood out is that the author really, really hates fat people. He doesn't let you forget it for a second. Many unpleasant/villainous characters (not the nice ones, mind) were flabby, heavy, fat and therefore, in his own words, grotesque.
The thing is I wasn't even expecting this book to be woke anyway, I presumed it would be a problematic but entertaining horror story. But it was mystifying that it really went out of its way to characterise very minor, random characters as "fat, therefore ugly".
The thing is I wasn't even expecting this book to be woke anyway, I presumed it would be a problematic but entertaining horror story. But it was mystifying that it really went out of its way to characterise very minor, random characters as "fat, therefore ugly".