The setup, magic system and the world building were really good and interesting, it's what pulled me in and what motivates me to read the second part. Some of the characters I loved others I think weren't fully fleshed out (Simon espacially) He switches personality a lot and his relationship with Eliana kinda just jumps to romance out of nowhere The pace was slow and there's a while in the middle where not much happens just fights, that got a bit boring, but it didn't bother me that much. Honestly the book has its flaws but I still enjoyed it throughout so I give it 4☆
No se trata de estar de acuerdo con todo lo expuesto pero es un texto que hace zoom en lo político en lo cotidiano, en el vínculo y me parece una conversación sumamente interesante. Además, este libro me lo regalo una amiga, y ese gesto me parece poderoso.
It's hard to rate this book... I quite liked the main plot (Nesta's) and mentally skipped the other big one (the new even bigger threat). Can't really say much without spoilers, except that the friendships were the best part of the book and the spicy scenes were good too. So now spoilers: I do not like the pregnancy plot, didn't like it at the end of the last one, hate it more now, also Rhysand and Feyre are going to be awful parents, they made the pact of dying together without even thinking about their child. I did enjoy the romance aspect between Casian and Nesta (probably enjoyed the sex scenes more than the romance itself but I'm not mad at that), but I wished they weren't mates. I feel like it kinda ruins the hate/attraction thing they have going in the beginning because "they always loved eachother but didn't want to admit it yet". If we ever get the next book about Elain, i hope she doesn't end up with Lucien (even thou I think he's a character with a lot of untouched potential) just so we get a bit of a different story that the mates one. Rhysand is back to being an asshole in this one, which I don't mind for the book itself but it kinda defeats the purpuse of his hidden golden heart from the previous books so idk how to feel about it Loved the training and getting to know Gwyn and Emerie (and the house) just wished Mor could've trained them at least a bit instead of only Casian and Azriel. Basically I liked this but it could've been even better.
I just needed something fast and lighthearted and this was it. Nothing amazing but really enjoyable overall (although there are some kinda cringey parts)
I just felt i needed MORE, more feeling, more emotions, more description of the inner world of the characters (Specially the mc), more erotica. It wasn't bad but i felt meh throughtout the book. I liked the ending more than I thought
Lo que más me costó de este libro es la falta de desarrollo de personaje, en general y en particular con los personajes femeninos, los cuales tienden a ser unidimensionales, con algunas escenas muy reduccionistas. Llegado el final, no me importaba mucho si los personajes vivían o morían. La construcción de mundo sigue siendo fantástica pero ya que en el primer libro este es el foco, esperaba que se diera más paso a otras facetas de la historia pero no fue así, incluso en el desarrollo político siento que hay potencialidades desperdiciadas.
Es segunda vez que me leo este libro, la primera vez lo amé completamente, esta vez estaba más atenta a los detalles y hay algunas cosas que me hubiese gustado estuvieran más desarrolladas, creo que toda la secuencia final debería haber tomado más tiempo. Pero aun así lo amé. Creo que aunque la mitad del libro sea un poco lenta, el final hace que todo valga la pena. Y siempre me ha gustado la forma en que Laura Esquivel desarolla sus personajes, los detalles que describe y el elemento mágico que les rodea.
Absolutley amazing, so much more than I expected from a standalone. Loved the magic system and wished there were more books with it! Or that this book was longer!