Loved it It was a bit of a slow start, but the world building and the characters were intresting enough to keep me hook and the last third of the book is just SO GOOD, cried a bit and enjoyed every part Juniper mvp
Creo que si no eres conocedor de esta autora previamente o de las personas de las que habla, esta compilación tiene poco sentido. Al no ser este mi caso, nada de lo que leí logré retenerlo y tampoco conectar con ello.
I can't believe this book is just as beautiful as the first, how it caputes the tenderness in it's topics all the while staying lighthearted and sweet Absolutley loved it
La premisa junto con la narración tipo diario de vida es lo que hacen brillar a este libro. El poder vivir los cambios que vive Charlie junto con él trae riqueza a la experiencia. Sin embargo creo que hay elementos que podrían haber estado mejor desarrollados, en particular respecto al deseo sexual de Charlie y su vínculo con un par de personajes femeninos.
It's a beautiful story, you can tell the writters come from the film world because some scenes are very cinematic and the descriptions of the characters, especially how the Makers come to life, are soo detailed you can practically feel yourself get wrapped up in this world. Same thing goes for the connection the whole premise has to music, the scenes where the characters conect with it feel so intimate and they manage to get that feeling trough the page. However the story as a whole gets a little repetative at times, the characters get saved from near death experiences a few too many times in my opinion, the switch between support and being ostracized is usually too quick (and too frecuent for my taste). Still, a beautiful book to get wrapped in.
Una colección de ensayos maravillosamente escritos, de temáticas seleccionadas para profundizar y abrir reflexiones en torno a nudos críticos en el feminismo actual en Chile, conectando siempre la teoría con la experiencia y realidad de quienes hablan.