melissasreads's reviews
302 reviews

Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins

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I liked Miss Mayhem, but just like everyone else has said, it just wasn't as good as Rebel Belle. It felt like a filler book as not much happened, more or less it was just a lot of anticipation for something to happen until you reach the last 40 pages or so.

Miss Mayhem still had its moments, don't get me wrong, and this is still a good series so I'll be picking up the last one soon.
Gemina by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

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What a whirlwind!! I loved this one, and I think I loved it more than Illuminae. When I first heard Gemina was following a different set of characters, I was so nervous. I was scared I wouldn't like it as much but OMG!!!! I love the cast we followed this time, and I live for that ship ❤️❤️
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

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I am so mind-blown and confused. I don't even know how to put any of my feelings into words at this point. Basically all of my feelings towards every character has flipped flopped I am just WOW!!
Ashes to Ashes by Siobhan Vivian, Jenny Han

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4 stars. Was probably my least favourite of the trilogy but was still great nonetheless. I'm going to be stuck in this world for a while now, hopefully it doesn't drag me into a slump.