martinelecorff's reviews
247 reviews

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

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merci à sido et sa passion pour les fantaisies middle grade <3
Black Wave by Michelle Tea

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one thing i didn't know before reading this is how much i needed a queer apocalyptical memoir fiction
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

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read this book on the plane from mtl to tokyo. made the 14h flight feel like 24h
Essential Bukowski: Poetry by Abel Debritto, Charles Bukowski

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layover (3)
the state of world affairs from a 3rd floor window (22)
consummation of grief (28)
no. 6 (44)
true story (46)
the genius of the crowd (48)
i met a genius (51)
the blackbirds are rough today (53)
the shower (64)
face of a political candidate on a street billboard (89)
an almost made up poem (92)
metamorphosis (122)
we've got to communicate (124)
if you want justice, take the knife (143)
the burning of the dream (150)
Dinosauria, we (189)
the crunch (213)