On a second read, solidly one of my favourite books, much preferred second time round.
Really enjoyed this book, can see why it won the novel prize for literature. Took me a very long time to get through it and found it challenging at points, definitely helped to refer back to the family tree and found that as you go through the book, the names become easier. Have never read anything in this style before, found it a really interesting read, some beautiful lines.
Really enjoyed! Very nice prose, like reading a diary. Even for someone not massively interested in animals enough to read about their habits, is written in a nice and interesting enough way to be throughouly enjoyable.
Think I would have enjoyed this more upon a second reading - fairly hard to follow but an interesting read! great as a postmodern text, would like to read more Pynchon. However, some parts are left unanswered which although well done, feels a bit unsatisfying. The paranoia/conspiracy element I enjoyed, but thought this could have been played on a bit more. Will be interesting to study and to compare to other works.
Having seen the film many times, this was a great read. Really funny, good relatability, doesn't take itself seriously. Fairly different from the film in that Mark Darcy is not in it as much, and they don't properly end up together/kiss in the book. Some parts slightly outdated, but interestingly so, as although not as PC with modern feminism, still quite relatable. A fun read.
Read for uni, really interesting to read and study. Love the topic of the Harlem renaissance, the settings of both NYC and Chicago and the character's places in them really come to life. And very interesting reflections on race, class.
Brill read- bit soppy but you know that going in, brill for a fun light read although I did cry lol- benedict keeps the title as the best Bridgerton man and sophie as the leading lady is perfect
Don't often pick up non fiction books, but loved the style of this one. Definitely written more like an biographical fiction, a diary entry, rather than a factual book with references.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Really fascinating read. The sections seem very disconnected to the title, but found it really enjoyable to go through and come up with interpretations. A great example of absurdist postmodern theatre.
For uni- preferred this to 'the driver's seat.' found the flicking across time really interesting, the driver's seat was v effective by nature as it was much shorter so felt more chaotic. This book took the same style but felt more reflective, more of a journey. A text that was really interesting to study.