lost_windsock's reviews
480 reviews

The Devil Takes by Fae Quin

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Dang, I am so, so sad for poor Percy. His life was just awful, and even after he met Haden, he couldn't convince himself that their encounters were even real because they were something that eased his pain. I'm really glad he never fell victim to his roommates, and I'm glad that his dad wasn't able to kill him, but even being spared those two really awful things didn't make this book feel like much of a victory 😭 I enjoyed Haden and Percy together, though, and I really really look forward to reading the second book in this series so that poor baby can finally have a life he isn't afraid to live. 
Cleric of Desire by Amanda Meuwissen

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I loved this book! I truly couldn't put it down and I read it in one sitting 😂 I love stories that are about breaking curses and the characters in this one were just so fun together. In this book, Jeffrey is trying to save the job he loves and feels so attached to with the help of a cursed genie/incubus. The first time Odai laid eyes on Jeffrey, he felt that maybe this matter could give him a different outcome, and he felt a real attraction to Jeffrey that he hadn't felt for anyone else that had found his amulet. I really loved their chemistry together, and I especially loved how they supported the parts of each other that felt the most vulnerable. Jeffrey wasn't afraid of Odai, and liked his monster form as much if not more than his human disguise, and Odai was so understanding and supportive while Jeffrey struggled with his gender identity. I loved the way this book ended, with both of them able to be their true selves with a bright future ahead. 
Little Demon in the Details by Nordika Night

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This book really had everything I like, and I loved it! There was a gratuitous amount of spice, there was intrigue with a little bit of action, there was a deep emotional journey, we got lace and daggers and sarcasm, a 100% confirmed condescending laugh, and brattiness, and it was just very excellent! The plot of this book was really engaging, and the way it was written made this book feel twice as long as it actually was, which for me is a very good thing haha. I really loved Brent. The way he just stayed cool no matter what, didn't let Mercer get the upper hand, but was still so gentle with him, was chef's kiss. He was absolutely crazy for Mercer, and of course gave him what he wanted pretty much every time, but he did it in a way that didn't allow Mercer to stay in his pattern of trauma. I think Mercer might be my favorite brat that ever bratted. He was obviously using his attitude and defiance as a deflection technique, but underneath it all he was still all sass, and I just loved his personality. I loved how this book really did make it so that Mercer came out on top, getting everything he wanted and deserved. 

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The Silencer by Cora Rose

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If you're looking for a mafia romance that isn't afraid to show a gratuitous amount of violence and gore, but also super hot spice at every turn, this is your book. And I really enjoyed it! It actually surprised me how gruesome it was, but it was incredibly well-written and it added to the intensity of the story. There was also a surprising amount of humor in this book! Tatum was a real firecracker, and some of his quips had me laughing out loud. The chemistry between Anthony and Tatum was fiery and as the book went on, Anthony dropped his walls and let himself commit openly to his obsession for Tatum. All of the moments of action in this book were exciting and I ended up flying through it. I really liked all of the side characters, too. I could definitely tell there was set-up potential for several more books in this series with different characters in the background, and I'm definitely going to be reading them. 

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The Magician's Heart by J.P. Jackson

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This was a really interesting book! The plot was definitely intriguing and it gave off a little bit of a Desden Files vibe, which I enjoyed! I wasn't fully sold on the chemistry between Allan and Patrick, but I did enjoy their banter and their interactions didn't feel stilted or weird, it just didn't seem realistic that such deep feelings would have developed so quickly. I had mixed feelings about Allan. For a lot of the book, I felt like he was being a bit whiney, and he only seemed to have one setting: upset about something. Which, okay, that's fair, considering what he'd just gone through and the expectations he was facing, but it did get a little old. Conversely, I did enjoy his sarcasm and his snark, and overall I liked him as a character. Daddy Patrick was a bit of a mixed feelings situation for me too, but to a lesser extent. It felt like he was being pretty thick about the way he decided to train Allan at first, which luckily was called out pretty quickly, but with the number of times he brought up his age and how experienced he was, I just felt like it took him a little too long to pull his head out of his ass. I think he was a really sweet man, though, and I did think that he was a good match for Allan. He was able to handle Allan's moodiness and snark with a heaping helping of his own snarky teasing. This book was actually pretty low heat, with a few fade-to-black moments that I wish had been the full scene, because it had the potential to build that relationship between them a little more on-page and make their closeness a little more believable. This was a fun book to read, though, and I would totally read a series of these two going demon hunting if that ever became a thing!
Siren in the Rain by Chloe Archer

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I loved this book! There was definitely some darkness to it, and I recommend checking the trigger/content warnings before reading, but this story was so good! As with every Chloe Archer book I've read, the cast of characters is what really makes this story shine. From the main characters to the supporting characters and the tiny dragon companion, each character in this book had so much depth and just added to the story so much. Our main characters, Griffin and Shae were so much fun to watch fall in love. Griff was such a huge support to Shae when he needed it the most, helping him stay calm with his magic and staying loyally by his side while Shae dealt with the aftermath of the awful circumstances he'd just escaped. Shae had such a fighting spirit, and his journey throughout this book to heal, to bond with Griff, to fight to free any Otherkind that were being held captive like he was, made me feel like I was right there rooting him on, too. After all of the awful things that happened to him, no one deserved the happiness he found more. I'm hoping that the side characters in this book will eventually get their own books, too, because I would definitely read every single one of them!

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Beautifully Built by T.H. Compton

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This book was trying, but it just wasn't getting where I wanted it to go. There's a way to make insta-love believable, but this book just missed the mark for me. The dialogue was stilted, and there really wasn't enough emotion shared between either of them to warrant them telling each other they were in love after spending time together three times. It just didn't feel believable. I did like both characters, and I thought they individually had potential to tell an interesting story, but the writing just couldn't get it there. 
Lace by Annabeth Albert

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I just love Avery and Malik so much. Malik is so supportive, and they're just so sweet together. This was just a short little additional epilogue, but it was nice to get to read them again.
Where Fools Have Tread by Jennifer Cody

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This book was fun, and I think it used the tarot theme of this series really well! The Fool was the featured card, but each character in Thoren's family had their own card, and we got to see Thoren use his deck quite a few times for strategizing and other more...nefarious reasons 😏 I really liked Dec, and it was nice to see him find a place where he felt he belonged finally. He had a pretty sad backstory, but a really strong will, so making his love story a fated-mate situation made the most sense, because I like to think he never would have chanced ruining his respectability as a butler by giving in to Thoren's temptation. I do wish this book had been a little bit longer, because a lot happened, and I think trying to fit in a love story plus saving earth from an alien invasion is a lot to squeeze into a book that's less than 200 pages, and I would have loved to see just a little more relationship development. And I was also hoping that the hinting of Thoren's uncle bring the friend Dec's uncle traveled the world with would have been talked about a little more, as it was hinted at so strongly to the audience, but no one in the story ever put two and two together. Overall, this was a fun book, and I did really enjoy it!
Laying Pipe by Kiki Clark

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This was a really cute book! It was a really good low-angst, quick read. I've been enjoying the age-gap/dad's best friend books a little more lately, and this was a great one! I really enjoyed that the younger partner wasn't just out of his twenties, too. Lukas had an established job and his own house and pets, and he was stable in his life, which isn't always the case with a dad's-best-friend book. I liked John a lot, and I think he was perfect for Lukas. He was looking for a partner who he could take care of, but also one who wanted to take care of him, too, and Lukas was everything he needed. His struggles with coming clean to his best friend made Lukas feel really insecure, and threatened to break the relationship a few different times, but each time, John was quick to assure Lukas that he was in it for the long haul. It felt really realistic the way that both of them handled their insecurities, and it was nice to see that they each realized when they messed up and always apologized in earnest. Also, the filthy mouth on John and the things it did to Lukas were a big highlight of this book. If you enjoy a little light kink exploration sprinkled in with a lot of dirty talking, this book will be a real treat for you. I'm definitely going to read more of the books in this series!