This book was so sweet! I don't think either character could be described as sweet, but the way they were together just had me grinning and doing little swoons. Ash was such a sassy character, and he was so confident and self-assured, which was just what Isaac needed to come storming into his life. I definitely was expecting the grumpy/sunshine roles to be opposite, but having a grumpy florist and a sunshine demon was a really fun dynamic. I especially loved how ooey gooey Ash was with Isaac, giving him myriad nicknames that were just sweet as pie. I'm never getting over him calling Isaac "petal". This was a super low-angst, low stakes, no breakup book, and it was just what I needed!
Chloe Archer books are always such a delight to read. I was looking forward to this one, and of course, it was just as wonderful as I expected. I loved how spunky Noah was, and I thought his background of having the worst luck ever was a perfect way to make his big life change work. After touching down in the UK and discovering his newly-awakened power, he finally felt like he had a purpose and belonged somewhere, and I loved how Elryk was so supportive of him and so proud to have him as his mate. They really balanced each other out.
I really enjoyed this book! It had a good amount of action, angst, and adorable yet filthy romance. Once the spice switch was flipped, it was ON, and those two were boinkin' up a storm! No complaints here! I didn't feel like it got in the way of the plot, and I actually thought it helped the relationship growth feel more real. I think with fated mates stories, it's important not to just rely on that being the one thing that brings the characters together. I liked to see that Finn and Jamie got to know each other and supported but also stood up to each other. Jamie wasn't going to let Finn decide how much of his wolf Jamie was allowed to see. They had their moments of vulnerability and soothed each other's worries. I liked them together a lot. This book also set up at least two more books from what I could tell, so I'm looking forward to those when they come out!
This book really went for the big feels. I can honestly say that I have not been more angry with a book character before I read this book and met Coal's dad. The oppressive control he exerted over both Coal and Kris made me sick. Every moment of interaction with him had my blood pressure rising, and I hated him so much it almost hurt. So much of Coal's personality revolved around how his father made him feel like a failure, and he let himself get kicked around because he didn't think he should be allowed anything different. Meeting Hex in that alley created a tiny domino effect that slowly restored his confidence and allowed him to see through the bullshit that was keeping him down. I loved watching Coal and Hex reconnect and rekindle the spark they briefly experienced, teasing each other and learning about each other until they couldn't deny their feelings anymore. I was also really glad that the evil break-up drama didn't last very long, and Coal wasn't able to dwell on it or wallow in it, because if he would have spent any amount of time steeped in his sadness, I would have cried way more. I definitely shed some tears near the end of this book, but I was satisfied with the ending. Standing up to his dad, garnering the respect he deserved, and getting to keep Hex were all the best case scenarios, and Coal definitely fought for them all.
This book was so good!! I loved it! Not only was it spicy as fuck in the very best of ways, but the actual story was really interesting and fun, and all of the spirits of the Reliquary were the icing on this spectacular cake! I was just so delighted the entire way through this book. Lou and Neil were so great together; their dynamic was just perfect and I felt like their relationship growth was very believable even though it was quick. Obviously Myrna and Flanders were super fun characters and they added a lot of depth to the story, but every other member of the Reliquary was unique and interesting and added to the complexities of the plot. The humor that we know and love from K.L. Hiers is alive and well in this book, too, and I really can't wait to be able to see more books in this series come out!
This book was a perfect ending for this series! I thought that Lucky was a great fit for Dimitri and Dagon. Once he finally accepted that they would love him if he let them, he came out of his shell and his personality was so much fun. He kept those two in line, and showed them each individually that he cared about and valued them. So much happened in this book, and everything just moved along perfectly. There were plenty of set-ups for spin-off books, too, and I'm excited to dig into those. I really did love every book in this series and this was a really satisfying ending.
Mori and River. I loved them together so much. I was SO annoyed with how Mori fought with himself over whether or not he was going to let himself have River, though. I totally understood his reservations, but after the last book with Bailey basically deciding for Harlow that they shouldn't be together, I hated watching it happen again in this book. That said, I loved this book anyway. So many things happened, and it was all so exciting and tragic and delightful and heart wrenching. Everything that happened was something the book needed; pulling in the plot from the previous books, and setting up the next book perfectly. I'm pumped to read the next book!
I'm loving these books! So far there's been a really perfect balance of good relationship building, angst, and a little suspenseful action. I gotta say, for much of this book, Bailey really drove me nuts 😆 He dug himself into a hole and then cried about it almost the entire book, and I was so happy when his mom gave him that reality check. Watching Harlow bend over backwards for Bailey, putting himself in a position that had him constantly keeping his demon in check, was so sad! And I could just feel the absolute agony Harlow felt after the Mage attacked Bailey. Even though I was annoyed at Bailey in this book, I still really loved him and I loved Harlow, too. There were also a bunch of scenes that had Oscar and Cal, as well as the other two brothers, and I enjoyed how seamlessly they fit in with the ongoing storyline. I am ravenous for more of this series and so I will continue onwards 😂
I really enjoyed this book! Both Cal and Oscar were such great characters, and the plot was really engaging and exciting. But it was also sometimes slow and sweet, which I'm always happy to have a good blend of. I'm definitely someone who enjoys when there are scenes of the characters just doing nothing, building their relationship, spending time together doing things that don't matter to the plot at all. There was a nice sprinkling of those in this book and I was really happy about that! I also appreciated that Oscar's anxiety issues were part of the story and not something that was just swept under the rug. Showing his struggle, having Cal help him through without judgement, and not having everything just poof away as soon as he fell in love was a really important and powerful inclusion. I can just tell that the rest of this series is going to be so, so good. I loved all of Cal's brothers, and the direction their foreshadowing went in has me very excited for their books.
When I saw this book, I was immediately intrigued. Vampires, hockey, fated mates, Daddy kink, primal kink, could I not immediately be drawn to that?? 😂 And while all of those things are things I love to see in a book, I could not for the life of me believe that a book containing so much would still be something I genuinely enjoyed. But here we are. I did genuinely enjoy this book. I thought the plot was really interesting, the vampire lore was really easy to digest, and the characters were very likable. I did feel some of Hayden's dialogue didn't really match his overall tone, if that makes sense. Instead of saying like... "I'm gonna go for a run," it would be written like, "I am going to go for a run." Which felt... weird? Leander had a more refined personality, so speaking that way made sense for him, but Hayden was just a down to earth hockey bro, so it kinda ripped me out of some of the moments. The dreaded miscommunication trope took hold in this book, too, but luckily the impact it made was more in private with the two of them instead of a big scene in front of a crowd, which is what I was dreading, so it wasn't too painful...ish 😆 Overall, I really liked this book, and I would recommend it if you're looking for a spicy paranormal romance with a side of hockey.