lifeinmybook's reviews
493 reviews

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

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Updated Review {December 30, 2014}
There's so much to say about this book. I hardly know where to start. May I simply state that I felt that this book was real. So many YA books are over idealistic & cause me to wonder if we only write to create something that will never exist, but this book did not do that. I laughed, then I loved, then I cried. It's so worth reading.

Old Review {January 29, 2014}
Wow! I love this book so much, and the movie was the best book-to-movie adaptation I've ever seen. EVER. I love Hazel because I relate to her on so many levels. And who doesn't love Augustus? My point is, this book has incredible characters with strong, quirky personalities. I loved how the plot unfolded and included so many elements. I would skip one of the TOO romantic moments but overall, the rest of the book was INCREDIBLE!
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

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This book is what all teenagers and parents of teenagers need to read to remember and understand the internal reflection of the teenage years in human life! It is an amazing and inspiring read!
Poppy the Piano Fairy by Daisy Meadows

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My parents bought this book for me for a birthday when I was younger because it was my namesake fairy! I remember that I thoroughly enjoyed this book more than once & I still remember the plot.
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

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What an emotional story. I can't wait to review this on my YouTube channel. I loved the writing style & the story itself was absolutely incredible. 5 stars!