I only started it because of the book club but the book is weird and makes me uncomfortable with its topics. It's also a struggle to read due to the way narration is done.
It wasn't mind-blowing but a pretty nice collection still. It's mostly about nature and time passing. I liked the poem about Poet's wife in particular.
As always with this author, an excellent book, I learned a lot. I especially enjoyed learning about misconceptions about nobility and history like the widely spread claim of no stakes in Poland signifying the alleged religious freedom. Same with the percentage of nobility and with the -ski surname suffix. The book itself probably deserves 5 stars but I was much more into the peasant one.
I'm really surprised how much I liked the poems. Maybe I wouldn't be able to point out a favourite or quote a particularly good line but many times I paused and marveled how good a particular phrase or image was. I definitely want to explore his other collections.
It was a first graphic novel about mountaineering I read and I definitely prefer reportage form. The comic was fine, but I didn't get the usual amount of details because of the form so I didn't enjoy it as much as I usually do books about that topic. But overall I'm glad I read it, I mostly read about Himalayas and Alps before and it was an interesting change. I even learned about a new type of snow form, nieves penitentes.
It was really well done, I learned so much! It's my third book from this author and I'll definitely reach for more. I'm not that into history but apparently when it's so well told, I love it.