laura_devouring_books_crumpets's reviews
3001 reviews

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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OK That is Not YA!!!!!!

Rhysand is the Ultimate dream.. An alpha that still gives a girl her independence!

I dont think a throne of Glass series could be beat..... I am on the fence now this book is different but with that beautiful writing style that is this Author!!!!!!!!!!!

Next book!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deviant King by Rina Kent

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I NEED NEXT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally get Elsa and Aidens Teased at in previous book.....

Aiden with his steel Grey Eyes has turned the school against Elsa making her the untouchable Ice princess, only under his penetrating gaze does she start to melt as a whole tin of worms is tipped over.... And her repressed memories start to surface.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

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A bit of An emotional review.....

Yesterday a specialist told us my 5 year old Most likely has Autism Spectrum disorder... On the Heels of the final chapters of this book, After Teachers Speech and cognitive therapists have said most likely big city doctor said so too.....

So.... What a book.... Looking it it i can see similarities between my son and Stella, Although he loves Cuddles and touch....

It was such a comforting book to read while getting the News.....

Stella I LOVED HER she was Just so Refreshing, and the situations the Author put her in and her reactions where so heartfelt and real! It was Incredible.

Micheal... The Artist that fit with Stella so Beautifully I really Couldn't of Imagined anyone more perfect for her, i love how a member of His family was also Autistic and when he first see's Stella's Eccentricities He compares them to what he finds as traits in Kai Rather than something weird or strange.

There is Nothing Negative i can say about this book it is Moorish beautifully written with Multi dimensional characters I fell in Love with.

One of the Best Books so far 2022
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn

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Wow What a brilliant read i definately preferred this to the 1st book!

Anthony Bridgerton has decided he is to Marry, He has his sights set on the Beautiful Edwina... Although reluctantly his heart Cant seem to stay away from her sister Kate...

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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Cinder - Finally i got to it!!!!

A different earth where people can become part robot, also people that live on the Moon called Lunars who can Manipulate the Mind.

There is an Awful Plague that is Killing off Earths Population, Cinders sister cathes it and everything jumps down the rabbit hole from then on out!

A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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Wow that was Brilliant

Persephone is finally out from under the thumb of her goddess mother Demeter, Powerless and in hiding Persephone glamours herself to look human and want to become a writer... After Getting tickets to the Hottest club in town Owned By Hades, Persephone unknowingly find herself tied to him for the foreseeable future!

The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L. Jensen

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Wow Honestly Just wow!!!!!

Now apart from the one quibble about the letters the deceit and the miscommunication there I loved this.

I cant believe how Much i fell in love with this Fantasy world and its characters, Lara is definitely no wallflower And Aren handles her and himself without being emasculated, which i think if the heroine is very strong it happens in a lot of books!

Lara is molded to be her Kingdoms spy and assassin along with Eleven other sisters, she is picked to marry the Ithacanian king who is believed to be a monster and become queen to the much sought after Bridge kingdom.

Its a race of time for the reader willing Lara to see through her fathers Farce, before she jeopardizes everyone.

The Traitor Queen by Danielle L. Jensen

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What!!! i Mean what this was just Bloody Am-a-zing!!!!!

It just has all the feels Im laughing im crying im screaming at Aren im screaming at Lara!!!!! Gahhhhh I read this in a day it has EVERYTHING.

Diving Back into this worlds shark invested waters, i read Lara go on a Mission to save Aren and redeem herself enough to Try to live with her mistakes.

Eleven sisters are reunited as they fight together for their abominable childhood, and new truths come to light.

I mean Lara goes through the ringer, how much can one woman survive through emotional and physical torture, I couldn't be angry with Aren as what Lara Mistakenly did was unforgivable... but still i hurt along with her, was waiting for her to break but her strength and courage was something else!

“Awake or asleep, all I see is your face. All I hear is your voice. All I feel is you in my arms. All I want is you.”

Still an amazing ending hopefully will see Aren and Lara in future books!
God of Malice by Rina Kent

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Another Rina Kent pringle book - Once you start you cant stop... read in a day!!!! just wow