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lanidon's reviews
1801 reviews
Love in Bloom by Lucy Eden
Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
I somehow missed the single line in the synopsis that mentions this is about a weed farm. I simply don't want to read about that, I find the topic obnoxious. The actual writing seemed pretty alright though
The Last One by Rachel Howzell Hall
Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
This has one of the worst, most annoying, most frustrating, nonsensical opening scenes I've ever read, which goes on far too long and is largely just cyclical jabbering. I simply don't think there's any book that could recover from such a bad start.
Is She Really Going Out with Him? by Sophie Cousens
Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
Bull Moon Rising by Ruby Dixon
Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Dnf @ 25%
The main story and world of the book is interesting and there's a lot of solid plot outside the "romance" but then randomly it'll break into the thirstiest horniest mental dirty talk. I put romance in quotes because there's literally no attempt to make this romantic, this is erotica dropped in to a fantasy plot. There's is no build and development to them as a couple, there is only graphic discussion of how they're going to have sex on the prescribed date. Yes the sexiest thing, scheduled and over planned dick appointments. Please authors just call things erotica, you don't need to pretend you're writing a romance if you're only interested in sex
The main story and world of the book is interesting and there's a lot of solid plot outside the "romance" but then randomly it'll break into the thirstiest horniest mental dirty talk. I put romance in quotes because there's literally no attempt to make this romantic, this is erotica dropped in to a fantasy plot. There's is no build and development to them as a couple, there is only graphic discussion of how they're going to have sex on the prescribed date. Yes the sexiest thing, scheduled and over planned dick appointments. Please authors just call things erotica, you don't need to pretend you're writing a romance if you're only interested in sex
The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan
Did not finish book. Stopped at 46%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 46%.
Dnf @ 46%
There is a lot of good in this book so I'm sad to give up on it, but I kept setting it down and I fear it would take me a month to finish. The one crucial thing that pushed me away from this book is a lack of warmth. I simply can't get on with a book where every character is bickering with every other character in every single scene. The only moments of peace or unrestrained exploration are in solitude, which is almost always broken by someone running up to squawk at them. It feels like it both impedes the story of the book and the enjoyment for me.
There is a lot of good in this book so I'm sad to give up on it, but I kept setting it down and I fear it would take me a month to finish. The one crucial thing that pushed me away from this book is a lack of warmth. I simply can't get on with a book where every character is bickering with every other character in every single scene. The only moments of peace or unrestrained exploration are in solitude, which is almost always broken by someone running up to squawk at them. It feels like it both impedes the story of the book and the enjoyment for me.
The Half King by Melissa Landers
Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Dnf @ 25%
This is written like a PBS Kids cartoon. Every single thing is spoonfed to both the audience and the mc alike. They keep pausing the story to have a character explain a parable and then lay out exactly how the message of that story works apply to the scene that just happened. It feels like grimdark Daniel Tiger, c'mon what are we doing here?
This is written like a PBS Kids cartoon. Every single thing is spoonfed to both the audience and the mc alike. They keep pausing the story to have a character explain a parable and then lay out exactly how the message of that story works apply to the scene that just happened. It feels like grimdark Daniel Tiger, c'mon what are we doing here?
The Co-op by Tarah DeWitt
Give me a prequel about the grandmother's pretty pretty please! The main story is a solid 4 star but the way this little old lady love story is crafted in the background is exquisite