lanidon's reviews
1801 reviews

Blob: A Love Story by Maggie Su

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I have never despised a character more in my entire life. I probably sent 2k words of critique to my sister about this, but it all boils down to one thing: she didn't deserve a blob and my one hope in life is to be the person a blob would need me to be
Temple of Swoon by Jo Segura

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
DNF @ 36%

The book can't decide whether it wants to be Dora the Explorer or Indiana Jones. Sometimes it's serious and sometimes they're having vine swinging lessons. I couldn't do it, if you're gonna be ridiculous then commit
Berries and Greed by Lily Mayne

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This would've been a five star romance if not for three things: 

1) the annoying stoner stuff

2) repeatedly and consistently talking about menstruation during sex scenes for a decent chunk of the book. I don't need to hear about her grinding against her pad ever, much less like three separate sex scenes

3) The way the story stops after they have sex the first time and it's just erotica from there out. The sex scenes are above average, but they're exhausting when that's all that's happening. I wanted more relationship moments and more development of them both together and apart. Instead I get sex scenes with some brief fluff in between until the epilogue

I'm going to read the sequel, but I'm just a little sad since the first half was phenomenal. Show me those moments of bonding with his family! Show me them both trying to get out of their shell together! Don't spend 200 pages on sex scenes and then just tell me they did other stuff in the epilogue. I want to see the domestic moments too, please, I'm begging the industry at this point
The Crime Brulee Bake Off by Rebecca Connolly

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It's cute, it's cozy, I did really enjoy the romance. I think unfortunately it's a bit too short and wraps up too neatly and too quickly. It was a 4 star for 90% and then I realized I was 90% done.... Like it felt like I was halfway in and yet the book was nearly over. It could've easily been 100 pages longer with a little more development and time spent on the show. 
Twisted Knight by K. Bromberg

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
Dnf @ 58%

I feel like a broken record lately with what I'm about to say: I liked so many elements of this book but the sex ruined it for me. Both main characters are interesting, their motivations and dreams outside of the relationships are compelling, the rich people drama is great, the corporate element is engaging. Then these two well rounded characters turn mindlessly horny and annoying.

 Why is this man so controlling and possessive, why is that a trend y'all? He's a level headed and calculated guy and then he's like "I own you and you will submit to me" and that's supposed to be hot? 

Especially distasteful in a book where a MAIN element of this woman's story is wanting out of these roles she's been forced into. Girlypop, he wants to put you in that same position as everyone else but with a side gig as his second in command. You're not escaping that role, you're not gonna be in charge like you deserve, you're just trading up slightly.
The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
Didn't vibe with the writing style
Those Who Wait by Haley Cass

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 41%.
DNF @ 41%

I was enjoying this up until the sex scene. It seems to shift the story in a very unenjoyable way, like it all flattens out. I also really disliked the sex scene itself

It also really was a choice to overwrite the single real world presidency of a black man with a white woman in this alternate history. To genuinely take those same years and transfer them over was a privileged oversight at best. Maybe I missed it and there was a different first black president years before, idk