kikicalloway00's reviews
241 reviews

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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everyone should read this book. and i'm serious.

i'm very picky in every sense in life and books are not the expection. but this book... perfection, in so many levels. from the very first line till the very last (actually, till the acknowledgements). i feel like this book was made specifically for me. it's so perfect.

i love stories that excels time and space. historical fiction, but not exactly.

i love the immortality trope. i love the soulmates trope. i love the devil/the darkness in books. and this books has these and so much more.

addie larue is the most... extraordinary protagonist i've ever read. she is unique and one of a kind. (((and bi/pan so that's a plus)))

this book had me hooked. and that very last twist.... was like a cherry on top.

i'm very carefull with my five stars. but this book... do yourself a favour, and read it.