katiemack's reviews
1398 reviews

Catwoman Vol. 1: Copycats by Joëlle Jones

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The art, as is usually the case with Jones, is exquisite, but the title doesn't make much sense when the so-called "copycats" are only used once and are a small part of the plot.
Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust by Loïc Dauvillier

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What a powerful story. The illustrations (particularly of those in/recently out of the camps) are especially poignant and arresting.
Renegade Women in Film and TV by Elizabeth Weitzman

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I love any book that highlights strong, intelligent, successful women, and this one was no exception! I also appreciated the list of films and shows that Weitzman included at the end of the book for further research. I do feel like more of the women highlighted at the end should have gotten their own entries, though.
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus

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I set myself up for disappointment when I requested this because I thought it was a continuation of the "One of Us Is Lying" series and found out it wasn't. (Gotta learn to read, I guess.) This was a perfectly fine, mildly spooky thriller that I think young adults will enjoy, but I was expecting more in-depth characterization (especially with Ellery's twin, Ezra; before starting the book, I was looking forward to having different perspectives from the twins, but alas). Some of the key characters felt flat and/or predictable.

I did, however, enjoy the pacing and narrative drive; it was a fast and compelling read. I also appreciated the inclusion of diverse characters (in terms of both race and sexuality) without imbuing them with stereotypes.
Perdy Volume 1 by Kickliy

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I picked this up to read after seeing a staff recommendation for it. The rough artistic style wasn't very appealing to me, nor was the plot. (I like crass humor in small doses, but this was ridiculous.) I laughed out loud a couple of times at Perdy's way of maneuvering through life using her sexuality, but I don't think the overall message is a good one to impart to readers.
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty

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I wish I hadn't read Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? first because this book repeats some of the death facts and figures from that book (or, given the chronology, the other way around), but I still appreciated Caitlin's sincerity and morbid sense of humor in this memoir.
Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

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2.5 stars. I gave this book a chance because everyone seemed to love the first book (which I did not), but after finishing it I don't feel the need to continue reading the series. Plus, given the way Ewan has acted for the last two books, I have zero interest in reading about his redemption.

I was disappointed with the repetitive aspects of not only the plot, but also the phrases; half of the book was the same (or almost the same) as Wicked and the Wallflower--and, much like that book, this one made me make the Chrissy Teigen face whenever I read the romantic dialogue (and underpinning "woe-is-me-I-love-you" thoughts) of Beast and Hattie.

Despite this, I liked Hattie more than Felicity. (Realizing this made me bump down my Wicked and the Wallflower rating.) While she has her moments of self-doubt and self-consciousness about her body, she's confident in what she wants out of life. She's intelligent and has business acumen, so her backstory and career ambitions actually make sense.
Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The writing was a little clunky in places, but overall I really liked this retelling! I think it translates well to modern Pakistani culture, and I appreciated the way the author takes on gender politics.

Also, unlike some reviewers, I thought the author's naming her characters based on the original Pride and Prejudice (e.g., "Darsee" for Darcy) was hilarious.