I couldn’t read anymore of this. Schwab’s writing is beautiful, but this story is so drawn out with characters that are barely even likable. It felt like a chore to read. I can see how this could be lovable for others but for me I’ve suffered enough with 40%.
As soon as I finished the audiobook I immediately started it over. I felt so connected to Lynch’s words hearing his narration. Even though this is nearly twenty years old, it is incredibly relevant still. I felt really inspired by it. Absolutely recommend for anyone who needs some lightness right now.
This was such a great book to read for its lightheartedness! The sci-fi aspects were excellent and I loved the friendships in this. I could not be convinced the main characters were in their late twenties which makes sense when I read the acknowledgments that this was started when the author was much younger than the age of her characters. I also don’t know how to feel about the romance because it does contain a major pet peeve of mine. But that is personal preference and I think a lot of people would really enjoy it.
What an incredible read. This is the kind of book that stays with you and reading it in the format it’s in was something new that I loved. Sometimes the social media aspects really threw me off and felt like it had dated the book already. It still feels necessary to have that element but it was one I didn’t particularly enjoy. The ending though is probably my favorite part. And Okorafor’s writing is just brilliant. Pages would fly by so quickly and it’s so easy to be engaged. Overall loved the experience of this book and highly recommend for those who are fans of literary fiction and sci-fi.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Not that it’s required but I wish I had finished Redemptor before starting this. Still this is yet another incredible story by Jordan Ifueko. Her story telling is some of the best I’ve ever read and she creates incredible characters. I will ready anything she publishes. As for this book specifically I will be honest and admit I struggled a little with Sade and her relationship with the Crocodile. Sometimes it was confusing to me but going along with it made it very rewarding in the end. I think one of my favorite aspects of this book is the story is told of characters who are on the opposite end of the spectrum of the Raybearers. I really appreciated the discomfort we sit with and reflection it invites. Very well done once again!
I loved this!!! What a great story. The friendship was my favorite and the annoyed acquaintances to friends to lovers to enemies to… (you’ll have to read ;) ) was pretty good to me too. I enjoyed the adventures and couldn’t put the book down wondering where everything would go. The emphasis on revenge was really satisfying but also reflective. Overall super enjoyed this and would highly recommend!