jordans_not_here's reviews
129 reviews

Sociopath: a Memoir by Patric Gagne

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“Suddenly, I was furious with myself for telling the truth. It hadn’t helped anyone “understand.” If anything, it had made everyone more confused, including me.“
Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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I can't help but hear that one drunk guy yelling "I was a c-section you bitch!" play over and over in my head while I read this.
Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis

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"There's no smell of blood...And that's something I miss in your culture. No blood. Everything is so sanitized. There are hardly any butchers' shops. And yet slaughterhouses that supply your meat...they're really appalling, hellish. It's not natural at all. You don't have the chase or the fight or the smells that make everything worthwhile, and yet the most abominable suffering is created. And what do you do all day, you sit in offices and think. It's a very bad way to live" 
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

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When my little brother took a pair of scissors and cut up my copy of this book I nearly threw him out the window. 
Dune by Frank Herbert

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Are people really struggling to read this or do they like bragging that they’re “smart?” Because this was just like any other sci fi novel I’ve ever read. 
From the DC Vault: Death in the Family - Robin Lives #1 by

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Jason Todd is doomed to haunt the narrative even when he's alive.
Red Hood: The Lost Days by Judd Winick

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Knocked off a star for whatever the fuck they did with Thalia and Jason in Issue #6
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

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Geric: I love my autistic wife.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

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*picks up smashed preserves and cyanide* Girl dinner. 
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

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Thirteen year old me was not ready