jolinsdell's reviews
400 reviews

A is for Apple: A Horsey Alphabet by Ellen C. Maze

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My 4 year old loves horses and one of his favourite things to do is going pony riding, so I was pretty sure he'd like this book. He LOVED it! The horses in shapes of the letters makes learning the alphabet fun. My son particularly likes "Friendly Freddie felt funny with a fat frog on his face" and giggled lots. Even when we'd finished the book he commented "mummy do you remember when he had a frog on his face" and then giggled again.

A great book for introducing the alphabet to younger kids and an entertaining read, especially for horse fans.
Missing Rebecca by John Worsley Simpson

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A good read that will keep you guessing as to who the biggest bad guy is throughout. Lots of story twists and an unexpected turn of events at the end.

Kidnapping, corruption, blackmail, murder... this book has it all.
The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box: Relationship Advice That Your Father Didn't Tell You and Your Mother Didn't Know by Valerie J. Lewis Coleman

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A good, easy read chick-lit that includes some great practical advice for building your self-worth and understanding what you want out of a relationship.

Heart break, friendship, cheating, new relationships... this book covers a lot of ground but does so in a fun and light hearted way.

The perfect read for someone that's getting over a break up.
Silly Monsters ABC. A Children's Alphabet Picture Book by Gerald Hawksley

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I thought it was a nice idea and the pictures were simple and colourful but my kids lost interest pretty quickly and didn't make it to the end of the book.
Diavolino by Steve Emmett

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I wasn't completely convinced at the start of this book but the more I read the more I liked it. By the time I got towards the end I couldn't put it down. Once the action started it was fast paced and had me hooked.
APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. How to Publish a Book by Shawn Welch, Guy Kawasaki

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This book is my new self publishing bible. Packed full of info and tips. This book will be invaluable to anyone even thinking about self publishing but the third section will also be useful for any authors regardless of the route they have taken. I'll be referring to this book again and again.
Brush of Angel's Wings by Ruth Reid

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Brush with Angel's Wings was the quick, easy read I expected it to be. With love, death, friendship, and struggles between good and evil this book contains a lot of food for thought. If you like Amish fiction or books about angels this book is for you.