For some reason I thought this was magical realism. Like the word dreams and unwittingly made me think the she "knew" them or saw it play out it in her head. That is not the case, it is very much real drama. My bad.
The reason I dnfed this book though is because there were just too many povs. My brain did not like it.
She's very "it's none of your business " while also being way too tmi at the same time. Pick a lane, woman!
She goes against everything I have ever read about trans people, but also saying that she wants to support trans youth. She's very contradictory.
It's mind-boggling how she can say that she cares about and wants to learn about the trans community and then just turn around and so easily dismiss the community's thoughts and feelings.
She is a republican first and a trans woman second. It feels like she still thinks she's part of that rich white male club.
This is a brag book. It read like a list of her accomplishments. And the biggest secret of her life is that she's more fame hungry than any of the Kardashians.
I liked reading this, but the romance was non existent. I'm glad I read these books out of order because this wouldn't have made me want to continue the series.
It isn't Ella or Beckett or even Maisie that makes me cry. Colt absolutely breaks me. The way he treated, talked to, talked about his sister was truly magnificent.
It bothers me that this book is everywhere rigtht now and everyone is recommending it, saying it's amazing and it will break it you, but not once has anyone said it contains graphic sex scenes.
Duel narration spoiled me. When a male POV entered the story, but kept the same female narrator I knew I was going to quit this one. Maybe I'll get the ebook.
I think this book is important for everyone. I think it's actually more important for abled body people. As important as representation is and that everyone deserves to see themselves in media, it's just as important for non disabled people to learn just a little what it's like to live in a wheelchair or with some other disability.