I think this book just really touched my heart and I can’t even begin to explain how. Longer review to come if I can sort out my feelings and thoughts.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Kacen Callender you are truly a wonder. I adored this book so much and became really invested in each of the characters. I honestly wouldn’t mind reading a sequel or novella or something just to find out a little more about the characters lives after this story. Gosh, it just made me really happy (content?) reading it and I don’t know what else to say. I think the only thing I found a bit iffy was the cheating (not handled well at all) and just a few other things with the characters that irked me because they didn’t seem to be properly addressed (but I could argue that not everything really is in reality so you know, I have no idea). Longer review to come.
I wish there were some other type of rating system because I honestly don’t mean to rate this so badly. It wasn’t bad at all but it wasn’t superb either. I did enjoy the art and the storyline and the the story as a whole but it just didn’t grab me, it didn’t really make me feel much.
I don’t have too many thoughts about this one beyond it being mediocre and having a relatively quick resolution which wasn’t bad it just didn’t capture me.
I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this one. It took me over a month to listen to this audio book, as I kept getting distracted (audio books haven’t been able to hold my attention for very long). I really enjoyed that the author was the narrator, it was fun and delightful despite the topic being quite devastating. I will definitely be checking out more books by Lucy Strange!