its_justine's reviews
274 reviews

Paternus: Wrath of Gods by Dyrk Ashton

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Well, this was amazing.

While I thoroughly enjoyed Rise of Gods, I have to say I LOVED its sequel to pieces. Diving into the second book in a series can be unsettling for a reader, what with the potential sophomore slump and all, but Paternus: Wrath of Gods takes every bit of what its predecessor has done right and does it even better!

In addition to the original cast and crew from book one, many new mystical characters are introduced in beautiful, interesting and sometimes downright hilarious ways. Being able to witness the gradual strengthening of family bonds was such a treat. And oh, the feels.

As expected, the electrifying action seems to never cease. I can only imagine, and am very much looking forward to, what the third and final book has in store.

My only complaint...I have to wait a whole year for more.
The Path of Man by Matt Moss

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I've had a really good run lately with the self-published books of many talented authors and The Path of Man is definitely no exception! This was a fast-paced, hard-hitting read that I devoured almost too quickly and already have my finger poised on the order button for the sequel.

Throughout the story, we're witness to two sides of a war for power that has been brewing for some time with pretty clear definitions of who's "good" and "evil". However, there is one character that seems to precariously balance on that precipice as the story moves along, only to be heaved into the chaos and darkness he is so prone to. Call me a glutton for punishment, but I'm really hoping he's granted some redemption as the series continues.

Moss uses some common fantasy tropes in his storytelling, but uses them very well to keep the plot moving, making this book a genuine page-turner. While some things are clearly explained, others remain mysterious, leaving the reader wanting to dive deeper for the answers. Oh, and there's some foreshadowing throughout dealing with a *certain* love triangle that had me internally screaming "don't let history repeat itself!", but I have a feeling we'll be seeing some deception down the road.

All in all, this was a pretty amazing debut with likeable and believable characters, serious themes splashed with humor to lighten the tone, and several twists and turns that take the reader by surprise. I highly recommend!