holliemerrick's reviews
1170 reviews

Good Dirt by Charmaine Wilkerson

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I cannot stop gushing Good Dirt by Charmaine Wilkerson! I adored this story and characters; I couldn’t put it down! 

Good Dirt is a story woven through multiple storylines a current storyline of Ebony Freeman and her family and a jar. The second storyline is about Willis, a potter, escaping slavery. 

I loved how the stories were intertwined and came together perfectly at the end. The characters immediately pulled me in and the quick chapters kept me reading. I’ve already begun recommending this book to anyone who will listen! 

I loved Black Cake, but loved Good Dirt even more! This is absolutely going to be one of my favorites of the year!

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for an advanced copy of this book!
The Inheritance by Trisha Sakhlecha

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Part thriller, part family drama, The Inheritance by Trisha Sakhlecha is unputdownable! 

The Agarwal family is privileged and very wealthy and they are on the verge of the reveal of their inheritance as their father is set to sell the family business. The three siblings, parents, and significant others meet on a remote private Scottish island and tragedy strikes. 

Told in the view points of the two sisters and sister in law, Zoe, this story unfolds and backstories are told. I highly recommend The Inheritance! The story is fast moving and I never guessed the ending!

Thank you to NetGalley and Pamela Dorman books/Viking for an advanced copy of this book!
Unromance by Erin Connor

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Unromance by Erin Conner is a cute debut novel! It was light and fun and I enjoyed how each chapter started with a romance trope featured in the chapter. 

Sawyer and Mason get stuck in an elevator and after several run-ins begin to fake date. I loved the Chicago setting. Reading this book around Christmas had me surprised the book took place around Christmas! 

Unromance is cute and does the cliche romance well! I can’t wait to pick up what Erin Conner writes next. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for an advanced copy of this book!
The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia

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The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia is a fun thriller! Told in many viewpoints, the book read quick and kept me guessing. 

Jasmine is escaping an abusive relationship and Stephanie is on a business trip and the two sit next to each other on a flight. A few days later each sends an alarming text about the same man. 

This is my first Jessie Garcia book and it won’t be my last. I enjoyed how the story kept moving with many twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a fun thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy of this book!
Flirting With Disaster by Naina Kumar

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I never knew I needed a Sweet Home Alabama retelling until I cracked open Flirting With Disaster by Naina Kumar. I was giddy with joy and butterflies while reading this book. 

Meena is a lobbyist working in Washington D.C. when her ex boyfriend and political partner asks her to finalize her estranged marriage. Meena heads back home to Houston when a hurricane blows in stranding her with her husband Nikhil. 

I loved Naina’s debut novel and was so excited to pick up Flirting With Disaster. The banter is out of this world and the tension between Meena and Nikhil is palpable. I can’t wait to read what Naina writes next. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Dell for an advanced copy of this book!