goldentortoisebeetle's reviews
281 reviews

Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel

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I need to buy the complete collection. Each story is better than the last.
Days with Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel

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How can it be that each new story makes me happier and more content than the last?
Cat Poems by Myra Cohn Livingston, Trina Schart Hyman

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I picked this up mostly for the illustrations. I liked two or three of the poems.
Big Cat, Little Cat by Elisha Cooper

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A sweet book! A sad book. It really hit for me as an adult who has had pets come and go. I appreciate that the cycle of life continues. I appreciate the author dedicated the book to every cat they've ever had.
The Liszts by Kyo Maclear

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What a strange little book. It reminded me of 1. The Addams Family 2. A Series of Unfortunate Events 3. Edward Gorey. I think the message is to leave yourself open to spontaneity / things not on your list.
Dim Sum Palace by X. Fang

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I love the colored pencil, I love the dream sequence, I love how it ends with the food being "even better than her wildest dreams". There are not a ton of places to get dim sum where I live so I wonder if I read this to a kid if they woudp really start to think of it as a fantasy place 🤔
Mosses of the Northern Forest: A Photographic Guide by Jerry Jenkins

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Did not finish book.
It's very detailed and comprehensive!! Not baby's first book on moss. I wasn't able to parse much as someone who is starting from 0.
Paper Mice by Megan Wagner Lloyd

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The art is perfect per usual, I didn't love or understand the story but that's ok!
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

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A charming little book from a woman with a vision about the connectedness of all people. Adaptable for a variety of situations - loss, grief, separation anxiety. She says in the back "I continue to hear weekly from schools, bereavement groups, psychologists, military personnel, hospitals, camp counselors, therapists, hospices, funeral homes, adoption and foster organizations, divorce attorney's offices, prisons and parenting classes about how The Invisible String is being used to guide, comfort, and heal".