Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Definitely not for me. I liked the concept but there were things that weren’t explained that I would have liked more information on. It was also super slow. I thought it dragged the whole way through. I also DNF’d it a couple of times. I’m not always a fan of Dark Academia and maybe that’s the reason why it didn’t land with me.
This is a cozy fantasy in the vein of The Spellshop and Legends & Lattes. Low stakes, obvious villain, and magical vibes.
I really loved the premise of this book but the execution was lacking.
Aila was so self-centered and a bad friend. Once you’re post- college, most people know the basics of friendship so it felt a little juvenile for lack of understanding. The characters very much felt like they were in high school.
The conflict with Aila and Luciana was ridiculous but also, kinda relatable & understandable. I think it was insensitive for Luciana to write off Aila’s feelings as self-centered because it’s completely valid as to how Luciana’s actions came across. What IS valid is that Aila didn’t give Luciana a chance to see if she’s changed once they graduated and grew up a bit.
The setting was very cool. I loved that it all pretty much took place at the magical zoo.
It felt very out of place for the Aila & her friend Tanya to be making top/bottom jokes. This was very PG except for those comments.
Overall, it was a cute story with a really cool setting. The characters were juvenile and the romance was PG.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Oh lordy. I have so many thoughts swirling. What a ride! It’s going to be painful waiting for book 4. I’m going to need to remind myself to do a reread of all three books before the next one comes out though. There was so much I forgot from Iron Flame and I spent a good amount of Onyx Storm confused.
I liked how the last couple of chapters had different POVs than just Violet. It was a neat way of getting to see different parts of the battle.
How did it take THAT LONG for Violet to figure out Aaric’s signet? Like really now, she’s supposedly smarter than that.
The whole brooding Xaden shtick was really getting annoying. Could have done with less of that.
This was a good read! It took me an absurd amount of time just because of extenuating life circumstances but it was enjoyable. (I managed to finished 3 books and a short story on my kindle while reading this hardcover.)
This was okay. It was a quick read, which was nice. I liked the premise but characters didn’t come alive for me. And I was so confused about the timeline. I also hate when characters are adamant they love each other after a week. Like, please. You’re infatuated which is normal but that’s not love yet.
I did enjoy all the representation. That was refreshing. I liked that both main characters had complicated backstories.
I had issues with the conflict but that’s nothing new for me. Overall, I enjoyed it but it was nothing to write home about.
I read this in hours. It was compulsively readable and a great Tangled retelling.
I really enjoyed the entire plot even though I knew (partly) what was coming because well, Tangled retelling.
Spice level was PG which was weird for a Christina Lauren book.
I loved Ren & Fitz though. The festival scene & the motorcycle bar were *chef’s kiss*. They really did a great job turning Tangled into a modern story. It felt true to the source but had its own special way. This might be my favorite in the Meant to Be series.
Here’s the thing I love this world But these “teenagers” do NOT read like teenagers. They should have been aged up to college students or older. William, especially, says too many wise things to be under 25. He reads like a 30 year old.
I still don’t actually understand WHY the scions have to be 16- 20whatever.
Other than that, I love the characters & their various issues. I love the storyline. I cannot wait for book 3 this year!
This lives up to the hype. I FLEW through this book, reading every second I could. I haven’t finished a book in over 3 weeks but I read this in about 3 days, give or take.
The plot was original and captivating. I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next!
The fighting scenes weren’t overwhelming- if there’s too many or they’re too dense, I zone out.
I am going to start the next one asap then wait impatiently until March for the third. (Yes, I’m lucky I didn’t need to wait 5 years yada yada)
There was so much woven into this story and it was done beautifully.