eloise_bradbooks's reviews
778 reviews

It's a Love/Skate Relationship by Carli J. Corson

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YES!! What a great read about Charlie, a butch hockey player who gets suspended from school -and therefore hockey- and ends up helping Alexa, a figure skater, with her doubles figure skating competition. The girls despise each other at first. Slowly but surely, after spending so much time together, being forced on dates by Alexa's mom, they grow to care about one another.
It was really sweet, felt realistic (which I often don't get from YA romance-focused books) and purely and simply a joy to read. 
Happy Endings by Lucie Bryon

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 I loved each story, the humour, the art style, the relationships.. But I don't understand why this is one book with three stories in them? Two of them at least deserved a book dedicated to them... 
Sortir de l'ombre: Une histoire de sororité en prison by Muriel Douru

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Dessins OK, scénario et dialogues pourraient s'améliorer. Là où cette BD est vraiment bien c'est dans son message, dans l'histoire vraie qui est racontée d'un groupe de détenues qui font tout leur possible pour avoir des conditions de vie dignes pendant leur détention.
The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher

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Objectively, I'm sure this is a great book. But character-driven literary/historical fiction doesn't seem to work for me.
I didn't quite understand the point of the blue skin. It's the title of the book, it's the main character's most stand-out feature, and yet it doesn't really seem to have much of an impact on her life or this story for that matter... (or maybe I missed something? I might have, I didn't seem to care enough about our main character to even remember her name...).
Then again, it actually shows that being a queer Arab Palestinian woman moving to America is much more impactful on someone's life than them being blue. That's pretty powerful.
This was actually the most interesting part of this story. Learning about our MC's aunt Nuha, a Palestinan woman fleeing her country, looking after her family, falling in love with a girl but letting her go for the sake of giving her family a better life. 
Like You've Nothing Left to Prove by E.L. Massey

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 I love these boys so much. They're so sweet, thoughtful, their couple is literal GOALS!
But also this was a little less interesting than the first book... 
Les Nébuleuses by Anaïs Félix

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 C'est très difficile pour moi de "noter" ce roman graphique. A la fois je suis ravie qu'une BD parle aussi ouvertement de l'asexualité, à la fois je suis déçue.
J'attends depuis des années qu'on puisse voir l'asexualité répandue, connue, comprise et célébrée dans les médias. En voyant cette BD, j'avais tellement d'attentes qu'il était sûrement impossible de les atteindre.
A en croire la 4e de couverture, je m'attendais à ce que l'asexualité soit l'élément central à cette histoire. Or, ce couple traverse beaucoup de choses, l'asexualité n'est qu'un élément parmi tant d'autres qu'ils essaient de comprendre dans leur relation. En soit ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose, c'est juste une petite déception par rapport à mes attentes. La complexité de cette sexualité et l'impact qu'elle peut avoir sur une personne et sur son couple n'est finalement pas assez développée... 
Mamo by Sas Milledge

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 What a great graphic novel about a witch trying to bury her angry grandma who is also causing havoc in the town she was meant to protect, and the young girl who is helping this witch out in order to save her village and her mom.
The art was really lovely, the vibes were impeccable. It felt like reading more into the magical part of The Raven Boys which I loved.
The relationship between our two main characters was also pretty well developed for a short graphic novel. You could see how it grew and how it cold evolve even more (if only we could get more volumes!!).
Really enjoyed this one. 
Thanks for Listening by Molly Horan

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 Thanks for Listening was such an easy and fast read which I will very happily recommend, especially for the ace rep!

I loved that it's quite a low-drama comfort book, a coming of age story about a girl growing up, starting to stand up for herself, and find the love and respect she now knows she's worthy of.

Let me tell you, the ace rep is PERFECT!
I wouldn't say it's the main focus of the book but it does take up quite a big part of Mia's questioning around her dating Sadie and Sadie's acceptance and love was very heartwarming.