elodie2711's reviews
254 reviews

Raising Atlantis by Thomas Greanias

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A really good and entertaining book ! I enjoyed reading it, not to say that I devoured it !
I found the characters really interesting, complex and the mystery surrounding Conrad is well kept throughout the book.
The whole Atlantis plot is well developed and the entire story left me sometimes holding my breath. I can't wait to read the other two books of the trilogy !
The Atlantis Code by Charles Brokaw

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I really enjoyed this book. It's a good thriller, and some passages left me holding my breath.
The whole Atlantis plot was great and interesting, though I'm not really that into God and all the myths surrounding it like the Garden of Eden. But I found that the author was thorough and it was pleasant anyway.

What I found a bit less entertaining though was the personality of Lourds, which I found all too boastful, as well as Leslie who, though threatened by an army of bad guys, finds the bravery to be jealous. It felt a bit too unrealistic.

On the whole it's a good entertaining book, worth the read, despite a few flaws and maybe the writing style of the author, which I found to "movie-like". I'm no professional and this is only my personal point of view!
Within by Joshua Scribner

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Une nouvelle très agréable à lire! J'adore la façon dont l'auteur commence avec une histoire somme toute assez banale, pour ensuite introduire des trucs bizarres dedans.


A highly readable short story! I love the way the author begins with some commonplace situations and then adds the weird things.