Good introduction to logical fallacies, with sub-variants having important distinctions. Lots of examples of each, but I found some examples to be a little unclear. I did like that each fallacy included at least two examples.
Very good continuation of the story from Hyperion, but this is a very different story. The first novel set the stage, this is a story of a galactic scale war starting, with some very tense situations and a greatly expanded cast. Overall, a very good read with a few surprises
This is a nice time capsule of details relating to the production of Space 1999, a 70's science fiction television series. Brings back some fond memories, and is informative of the process of putting together a tv show in the 70's
This is a compilation of the introductory segments of the Scathing Atheist podcast, adapted for a print medium and re-ordered by topic instead of podcast release order. Each diatribe is very well written, being witty, well thought out, and to the point. Overall, a quick, fun read
This book was very well written, but as it is the first of a four book series, it is mostly setup. There is a thin gathering of the group story, but the background stories of each are very compelling and fill out the whole setting rather well. I'm looking forward to diving into the further novels in the series
The message from Smedley Butler is timeless, and as important now as when it was written. The added forward takes away from it by recycling old conspiracy theories
Russia interfered the 2016 election, but this is a very detailed examination of the evidence, methods, and motivation written very clearly, by an expert. Excellent read
This is a story from the Tom Baker era of Doctor Who, and that character shines through. It differs from the final story produced for development, but Douglass Adam's humour and large ideas shine through. Great read from the classic era of Who
It's a very non-sense, self-conflicting story. It weaves together some of the enduring conspiracy theories of the last few decades with the common "Them's" the theories are attributed to. Mixed in is some of Levay's version of Satanism philosophies. It's an interesting read, but the non-linear story is very hard to follow
There are some graphic sex scenes, and use of profanities. The sexism and homophobia are more products of the time the books were written, and are not part of the story