charliemaryann's reviews
223 reviews

Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Val Wise

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THIS WAS ADORABLE AND PERFECT. I can’t even articulate any thoughts to write a formal review detailing why you should pick this up but the main message of this graphic novel is TO BE WHO YOU ARE unapologetically - and so here I am, a messy human being who I am.


1) Anti social, grumpy, cynical main girl who is a lesbian and she is hilarious

2) Main girls mum is the literal best. Very eccentric, has a Rory-Lorelei relationship vibe with her daughter. Her mother is really COOL and accepting

3) Tran girl love interest who is BEAUTIFUL and a people pleaser learning to break that barrier. This pairing is opposites attract and I love how they balance each other out.

4) Cheerleading and LGBTQ+ do I need to say more?

5. Annie’s prom look is the best thing I have ever seen in my life, I’m in love with her,

6) You’ll fly through this one because it’s so damn cute and funny.