Not really what i expected (or wanted) this book to be - it’s not so much focused on the history of the concept and practice of ikigai and personal stories from those living in Japan who have found theirs and have advice to offer (maybe like 10% of the book), instead it’s mostly just a rehashing (over and over and over) of basic concepts of “staying active” and “eating healthy.” There was… a whole chapter dedicated to yoga? i dunno. it kind of just felt like a babies-first-ways-to-get-healthier book disguised as a book about this very interesting Japanese concept and practice. i’d heard quite a lot of good things about this book but it certainly didn’t live up to my expectations (which i guess is on me.) Also, for how short it was, it felt like an absolute slog to get through. i feel bad being harsh but man… it was just not all that enjoyable!
dinosaurs are kind of awesome, guys. also really scary. so genuinely scary. no one should ever try to do what this book does. please. no one.
anyways, this was a fun romp as someone who really adores the film adaptation of this book. i do wish there was a bit more meat to the characters (especially Ellie and Lex… as the only female characters their only character traits seemed to be “smart human bait for dinosaurs” and “the most annoying child to ever exist in the world with zero situational awareness,” respectively). but, it was an adventurous thriller with dinosaurs, so it was still a fun read!
also, i’m a member of the we-hate-john-hammond club. that man SUCKS in EVERY adaptation!
Just read the poem and selected essays out of this collection for a class. I did, surprisingly, really enjoy it! I think there is so much to appreciate about Beowulf and its function as both poem and a greater influence on the literary world. Shoutout to the guy who pulled this manuscript out of a burning building, you are a hero in your own right.
Another banger. Another banger by romcom wizard Emily Henry.
my new fav book of hers i LOVE a nick-miller-esque man and the story is just so good and fun and GAH i love it. read this on a trip to montreal while cafe hopping and devoured it in the span of like two days and god i cannot wait to reread.