bwhytcross's reviews
218 reviews

The Stars of Mount Quixx by S.M. Beiko, S.M. Beiko

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With a promising premise of unnatural creatures brought upon by an ever present fog, The Stars of Mount Quixx by S.M. Beiko was unfortunately my lowest rated book of the year and DNF’d at 10%.

Following two sisters on vacation to the bizarre Quixx, a town full of oddballs and apparently the girls’ parents, this novel sets up for an interesting read. However, between juvenile writing and snooze worthy characters, this book does not deliver.

In the small portion I did end up reading most of it was filled with unnecessary dialogue of the main character’s surroundings and inner thoughts of the people around her. Pair this with bad writing and the main character becomes insufferable, acting far younger than her apparent age.

This book does a great job is saying everything and nothing at the same time.

In summation, I have rated this book 1 star for its interesting premise and little else.
The Maiden and The Unseen by Jeanette Rose, Alexis Rune

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Thank you to NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing for sending me a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

As a lover of all things Greek Mythology, this Hades and Persephone modern retelling should have been right up my alley. I was disappointed to find that it was not.

Set during modern times, The Maiden and The Unseen by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune tells the story of glorified babysitter of the Gods, Hades, and earthly acclimated and humble Persephone. One is over the antics of the Gods and Goddesses on earth needed constant financing whilst the other lives independently from the rest wanting to full assimilate herself to the culture.

It was unfortunate that I DNF’d this book as it had so much potential but the writing was not something that was my cup of tea. I enjoyed the typical HBIC energy of Persephone but to be this Hades fell flat in comparison to other retellings.

Most of what I had read felt similar to a cheesy typical romance novel and for that I was just not very interested.

All in all, I give this book a very regrettable 2 stars for its fun and gumption.