buildhergender's reviews
931 reviews

Daredevil, Volume 1 by Mark Waid

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Great jumping on point good story.
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander

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These are very short stories, some of them are less than a page long, but they are good.
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2014 by Paula Guran

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Great set of stories, there was one I could not finish but I think it was more I was tired than anything wrong with it.
The one set in London with the matchstick women was chilling. Not the zombies, that was mild, but the life the people were living before the zombie.
Batman Beyond: Batgirl Beyond by Adam Beechen

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Pretty good story, most of it does not even have Batgirl on it.
Would be better if I read the stuff before it, as I have no idea who Batgirl is once they revealed her.
But glad to see her.
The intro story has the metal men in it, a nice nod to the old past.
Daredevil by Mark Waid & Chris Samne, Vol. 5 by Chris Samnee, Mark Waid

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Good story.
We finally get to find out who has been trying to make Matt's life a living hell. And boy is Matt totally messed up before the end of the story.
A secret about Foggy is revealed.