booksthrilljessica's reviews
452 reviews

Catch the Sun by Jennifer Hartmann

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This YA novel explores the complicated dynamics of personal relationships, revolving around family conflicts and to what lengths one would be willing to go for true love. A tale that is both tragic yet also rewarding.
I did struggle with the pace of this book which did not keep me hooked. The self pity and lack of hopefulness from Ella drove me crazy but is true to how a teenage girl would react to the situations she was put in. The decet from family members was astonishing to me, however very realistic. It  just made me want to rip the characters from the page for their own happy ending. 
*Thank you to Elizabeth Lowham, SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books | Bloom Books and Netgalley for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.
The Rule of the Damned by Stephanie Storm

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As we peel back the cover to the allusive world of monsters we discover how the Druids, Undead, Rogues and Sorcerers are surviving in plain sight. As each faction has its own set of skills they all have one thing in common, never let humans find out they still exist. However, when a series of gruesome supernatural events occur, they realize they are being hunted once again… but by whom? The next generation of monsters must band together to find who is hunting them down before they are next. 
This compelling story is filled with dynamic characters and offers an exceptional perspective on how they navigate the modern world. Though I initially found it challenging to keep track of the heads of each Family, Storm’s detailed breakdown of their ancestry, businesses, and beliefs was a great help. I especially appreciated the fact that the four families are all descendants of female monsters, with Hecate playing a key role in their origins. The twist ending and cliffhanger left me eager for more!

*Thank you to Stephaine Storm for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

Puck passions by Emily Klepp

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Why choose one hot hockey player when you can have six… yes six steamy and utterly devoted men. 
Tabitha’s childhood was tragic due to neglectful parents. Now living and working with her brother, Will, he feels the need to protect her because he was unable to all those years ago. But he never thought he would need to protect her from his fellow friends. What Will doesn’t realize is that Tabitha has grown and learned to protect herself, and is ready to discover who she is and what she truly wants. 
Do not read this book if you want to read about the sport of hockey…but do read this book if you want to dive into a steamy relationship with multiple men and all at the same time. A quick read about a woman who is on the path of self discovery… and the quest for her first big O. And due to the non descript cover you can enjoy this erotic and lustful read secretly on the bus or at your in-laws house without them even knowing. 

*Thank you to Emily Klepp for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

Soulbound by Amelia Cole

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Bridgid will do anything to fight for what she holds dear. But what she has come to realize is that the things she is holding on to just might be the wrong things to fight for. 
Bridgid narrowly escaped the rebels and has not only saved herself but has saved the last Druadan egg. She will protect it with her life, but at what cost? Still reeling from the discovery of who her sister truly is, Bridgid clings to those that she trusts with her own life, the three Master Riders- Logan, Carter and Heath. With the last egg they all begin to realize that there is more going on in their world than they acknowledged, and will do anything to uncover the truth. 

Cole cranks up the heat in the second installment of The Druadan Legacy, delivering a tantalizing why-choose romantasy that will perk up your desire for men who can ride a mystical stallion. The character development is spot on, with each character facing unique family struggles that shape their journeys. Watching them forge their own paths and build their chosen family is both captivating and moving. If you’re into romance, fantasy, and a bit of spice, this one will not disappoint!

The Forbidden Fae King by Rosa Heart

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In a world that not only knows of the existence of Fae but they also steal the magic from any Fae or mythical creature that passes into their realm. Long ago Fae and humans used to live side by side, but since the Great War they no longer coexist. However, in the years when their planets align for a select few women enter the Fae realm with only one agenda… to become pregnant with a magical baby and return to their world replenishing the next generation of ½ fae beings. 
Keira is next in line to become queen but when she is faced with heartache she decides to join her sister on the pilgrimage to the fae realm and return with magic to restore her realm and prove her worth as a formidable ruler. Keira has been warned to be wary of fae and most importantly, never cross paths with the high fae. However, she finds herself almost immediately the captor of a morally gray and dashingly handsome fae, Aldrin. Together they find themselves working towards common goals, but what they need to realize is that they both have been concealing their true agendas from one another. 
The MFC in this story is more than just someone who faces heartbreak repeatedly- she is also resilient and strives to do what is right. What sets this book apart from other romantasy novels that I have read is its focus on healthy family dynamics and the heroine’s strong sense of self-worth. When she’s not treated as she deserves, she recognizes this and takes action to get what she truly wants, by making her journey both empowering and refreshing. I cannot wait to see what the outcome for our two fated lovers in book two will be. 

*Thank you to Rosa Heart for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

Casters and Crowns by Elizabeth Lowham

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Aria believes that she must be the perfect princess, in order to become the perfect monarch like her father. Taking it upon herself Aria sets out to resolve the conflict between the powerful Caster Clarissa Morton and her father. She must do this before the imminent war breaks out between the Casters and her father. However ever since her visit to the Caster Aria has been cursed and unable to sleep for one hundred days. She must find a cure quickly. So when she meets the bruting yet striking Castor Baron Reeves who seems to have an elixir that helps her overcome her tiredness she must decide whether or not she can trust him. Together they must form a bond in order to save both their kinds and the kingdom. Can they find the cure and save each other?
This book would be a great pick for young adult readers! With little to no spice, it’s a perfect story for a wide range of audiences.  The dynamic characters immediately draw readers in with their stories revolving around love- whether it’s finding it, navigating family conflicts, or learning self love. While the middle felt a bit drawn out and lost me for a moment, it really picked up towards the end. Delivering a satisfying HEA and an overall strong heartfelt message about love in all forms!

*Thank you to Elizabeth Lowham, Shadow Mountain Publishing | Shadow Mountain and Netgalley for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.
To Weave Words Like Stars by Tiffany A. Joissin

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I wanted to like this book based on the description and cover. However it was just not for me. The storyline was not cohesive and seemed as if the author took all the fantasy tropes and shoved them into one book. The repetitive information and unnecessary descriptions made it hard for me to connect with the story. The MC was represented as having two contrary personalities: that of a strong willed best selling author and then a meek timid spy that was fleeing a government organization. The storyline that involved another realm/planet was interesting but wanted more world building and descriptions of the characters within it. 
Trust Her: A Novel by Flynn Berry

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Tessa is caught up in political espionage between the IRA and MI5. She thought that her family had successfully fled the clutches of those that they betrayed. However, they have found her and now want her to make amends. Tessa is now faced with a moral battle struggling between doing what is right and what her heart is telling her to do. Will she be able to save her family or will she have to put them in danger yet again?
I struggled with this book. It was a slow pace for me and lost my interest for most of the book. I was so distracted by the side love story that I felt it derailed from what the main premise of the book was supposed to be about. I enjoyed learning about the history of the IRA and how this contributed to the thought process of the MC. If you like political dramas with a side love story, this would be a perfect book for you. 

*Thank you to Flynn Berry, PENGUIN GROUP Viking | Viking and Netgalley for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

The Main Character by Jaclyn Goldis

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Lies deceit and betrayal have seemed to follow Rory on her presumed relaxing vacation. Rory is given an ultimate all expenses paid vacation after being the muse for the elusive best selling author Ginevra Ex latest book. But Ginevra has many secrets and an ultimate deceitful goal. Not only is this trip for Rory but unbeknownst to her Ginevra has invited those nearest to her along for the ride. What is Ginevra planning and what is her end goal? Just remember everyone has secrets and not everyone is telling the truth. 
This book reminded me of Murder on the Orient Express minus the lovable detective. I felt this book was great at sticking to the Agatha Christie “who done it” trope but felt it needed less of the filler love stories. I do appreciate the revelation at the end that tied everything together. 

*Thank you to Jaclyn Goldis, Atria Books and Netgalley for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.