bookbunny9's reviews
1104 reviews

A Flame in the Night by Morgan Dante

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This book has a lot of potential that it ultimately falls short of. A few more solid passes of editing would have done wonders for pacing, character and relationship development, and catching pesky typos / tense or pronoun issues. As a positive, I loved that
Matthias (Mátyás?) is from Győr (which retained its accents) and that Budapest was "pronounced" correctly!
Repedések by Gere Nóra Éva

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Voltak versek, amik egész egyszerűen nem koppantak, de volt közöttük olyan is ami kifejezetten elragadott.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher

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Great characterization + fun with gender! Loved Lieutenant Easton and much of the cast.
Cutting Your Teeth by Caylan MacRae

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
Poor editing (e.g., all of the sentences are the same length, typos, egregious amount of comma splices) + poor characterization. Plot could have been interesting, but is neither well-written nor well-executed.
One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 64%.
Historical inaccuracies, poor characterization, multiple poorly contrived plot points that broke even suspension of disbelief.