Meena left her home in Houston several years ago and has made a name for herself since as a lawyer and potential politician in Washington DC. Everything seems to be all uphill for her now, except for the minor detail of needing a divorce from the husband she left behind in Houston. When she returns to get her divorce, a hurricane traps Meena and Nikhil in the house together…where everything finally comes out. Will she choose the future she built for herself in DC or the one she always had waiting for her in Texas?
Thanks for the ARC Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine!
I loved this book. What a wonderful retelling of Sweet Home Alabama! The characters are so genuine and their conflicts felt really meaningful. I loved the setting, and the periphery characters. Returning Home as the vehicle for the discovery of the main character’s true nature and desires really resonates with me. I love when the resolution of a romantic relationship requires the resolution of other relationships in their lives, too.
The only things I missed were actually getting to see & meet Ritu. It was disappointing to only be told about this amazing relationship Meena has with her niece. And there wasn’t a lot of levity; I could’ve used more humor. The stuff with Alan was gold!
If you love Rom Coms, definitely check this one out!
Overall, I liked it well enough. It sucked me in around 70% and I couldn’t put it down, which was good because it helped me move past several aspects of this book that I just didn’t enjoy.
Things I liked: - the dragon lore and the nature of their bonding with humans - Adarian; he deserved more page time - The battle at the end - the story’s overall pacing
Things that irked me: - Aemyra is just so unlikable for 85% of the book. And her character growth felt like a big jump that was unearned - The romantic tension didn’t build much before we were supposed to be invested - I have mixed feelings about fiorean - the gratuitous assault scene - there were moments of poor writing I had to mentally work to move past.
I might pick up the next one if it’s convenient for me, but probably won’t. I don’t care enough in the end to follow up with this world & characters, even if I do kind of want to know what happens next.
If you’re a plot over character person, this book will probably be plenty fun for you to read!