bairdy1985's reviews
608 reviews

In Her Name: Final Battle by Michael R. Hicks

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Darker than the other books in the series but a very good read.
Spartacus by Lewis Grassic Gibbon

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Well worth the read if you are a Spartacus fan. The style of writing for me was a little hard to follow but the story builds up nicely and I really enjoyed reading it. I advise anyone who starts to read this book to keep going and finish it, it's well worth it
Secrets of Moth by Daniel Arenson

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wow! fast paced and lots of tear jerking moments
Driven to Kill by Eugenio Salvato

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I had read Gino’s previous novel so i was looking forward to his next piece of work even though they are on different subjects.

This book is quick flowing, lots of conversations and action shifting from one scene to another. I was drawn into so much that I couldn't put the book down and managed to finish it within a day. As the book went on i found myself wanting to keep reading so i could find out what would happen next

The only comment i would make is that the dialog was a little hard to follow at times and I did need to back track in order to work out who was talking but I still enjoyed reading the book

With regards to the story line itself… i think it’s a great concept. Maybe this could have been developed a bit further, i would have loved to know more about Baxter Black

I’m looking forward to seeing what Gino comes up with next and to see his work progress

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Gone Fishing: A Tony Gavel Mystery by J.W. Metcalf

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Full disclosure, I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in the Tony Gavel series. Tony is a PI, trouble seems to be attracted to him and even when he needs to be resting he gets drawn into a case.

I found the story line very intriguing, the whole Doogan Ashe mystery kept me thinking and every turn of the page I was waiting for him to show his face.It's fast paced and full of twists. By the end of the book I was sure i knew who the killer was only to find out i was wrong all along.

Talk about character development! This book is full of it! You are given a great deal of info on a lot of people. If anything this is where the 4 star rating comes from. I think a great deal of time went into each character but I found myself wanting more information on one particular person - Marshal Greta Ostmen. I just felt maybe that being a Marshal she could have brought more to the man hunt and we could have had more scenes with Greta and Tony searching for Doogan. I would go as far as to suggest Greta Ostmen could be a character to use in a spin off series

This book is a great read, flows well and easy to follow. I would have no problem in suggesting you read this if you like a bit of a mystery and detective work.

I'd never read the previous Tony Gavel novel but now I've read this book i will definitely be purchasing it and will be eagerly awaiting book 3
Meteor Storm by David F. Capps, D.F. Capps

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Full disclosure I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

This book revolves around Karl/Carl who discovers there is going to be a meteor storm that will kill everyone if he doesn't do something. He gets this knowledge from a robots head which has been kept locked away by the government

I must say the story line was very intriguing and I was excited to read the book. The whole idea of such an event happing is fascinating.

The story is quite fast paced and I especially liked seeing them plan for the future and then them dealing with the aftermath of the meteor storm. The ideas the author used clearly show they put a lot of thought into it. It really made me think what would actually happen if such an event happened to the world now. As a reader this was a very good subject to keep me interested.

My only issue with this book is that on a few occasions it left me thinking I had missed something. The character development is definitely there just to me it didn't flow right at times.

For example
Spoileryou learn straight away that Carl has had argument with his boss over something they were keeping secret which Carl didn't agree with... but you don't find out until later what exactly this was.

You learn
SpoilerCarl went to prison but again you didn't find out why until much later on in the book.

I can see why the author wrote the book the way they did but as a reader it confused me slightly as I felt maybe I had missed something and backtracked only to find out the information comes to light much later on.

Lastly the love interest.. Now this was the big thing I didn't understand.
SpoilerAt first Tia is scared of him after his surgery, next they share a moment when she's helping set up his new identity... then suddenly you are told they have grown close while working on the robots head. I would have much preferred to have more scenes which showed them growing close rather than just being told.

As you go on with the book you do see a relationship growing between the pair I just felt the comment about them growing close should have been left to much later in the book where it would have fitted in better.

Overall I did enjoy the book, the character development just confused me a little at times. I'll be honest though it didn't make me enjoy the book any less and if you are a fan of the genre I would say it's worth a read but be warned it's not as dark as some of the apocalyptic science fiction books out there. If you've not read an apocalyptic book before this might be a nice book to start with.

I'll be watching to see what David comes up with next
The Letters by Ella Drayton

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Full disclosure I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ok so this book is the first book from author Ella Drayton about a detective called Brodie. Bodies soon turn up and killer wants her to find them.. the book is all about her trying to figure out who the killer is whilst also trying to sort out her personal life.

The synopsis grabbed me straight away, the idea the killer was linked to her somehow intrigued me.

I enjoyed the story line, the book was written well and very easy to read. The mix of private life and work life seemed to work well for the story.

There was strong development of the character Brodie. Since the murders are linked to her it gave Ella a great opportunity to give you more information on her and the relationships she has with other people in the book. These relationships and the information you gain made me certain who the killer was but Ella keeps the motive/background unknown until late in the book to keep you interested..
It's very hard to pick faults with this book, if i'm honest i guess i just didn't really like Brodie. I would have liked to see more bodies turn up, maybe a few more twists to throw you off the killers trail and to see the struggle Brodie would have gone through, accusing those close to her, doubting everyone.

The only other comment i would have is that i noticed a couple grammar or spelling errors but nothing major and it definitely didn't spoil the book

In conclusion I enjoyed reading the book, it has a lot going for it and would definitely be interested in seeing what Ella comes up with next.
By the Sword by Christian Kachel

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Where do i start! Wow! This book was great! I'm a fan of the genre anyway but i was surprised just how much i enjoyed it.

This book follows Andrikos as he turns from a boy into a man.

The story starts slow but quickly Andrikos is thrust into the army after he and his friends get into a bit of bother with some local lowlifes. We following him as he leaves his family behind and undergoes basic endurance training while marching to join the army where he makes and looses friends along the way.

You find out a lot about his position in the army and how the structure works and there is great detail in the clashes between the warring armies

The best bit about this book comes next, i won't give too much away but he gets involved in some clandestine actions within the warring armies and it made the book enjoyable and easy to read as you weren't bogged down in full on army vs army all out war scenes.

I feel you see Andrikos grow quickly, he even finds a potential love interest along the way which i think fitted perfect into the story.

All in all i would definitely recommend this book. If you've read anything by Gordon Doherty like i have i think this book will be right up your street.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next book in the series
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

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I'll admit I'm 29 years old and this is the first time I've actually read the book. Why you may ask... I don't know.. I've never been a good reader until these past couple of years.

I decided i needed to read some classics.. things i should have read years ago

and i wasn't disappointed one bit.

Thoroughly enjoyed reading about Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver and their hunt for treasure.

I don't think there's much need for me to go into detail about the plot but i will say if you've not read this yet you definitely should
The Warlords of Antares by Brian K. Larson

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I must admit combining genres like Science Fiction and Fantasy work well for me.

The story is pretty straight forward, good guys & bad guys with added aliens, wormholes, nukes and blood. Pretty good mix if you ask me.

So to start with we learn about two races of aliens the warlord Antarians and the Eridonians. The Eridonians don't like what the warlords do and want to stop Earth from being invaded.
A wormhole the Eridonians have been monitoring is now stable enough for the warlords to traverse and it leads straight to Earth!

Now the Eridonians have been watching us for some time and now they show themselves to us and enlist the help of the Earths forces to defend the planet from invasion

Things never go to plan and our heroes end up traveling through the wormhole to rescue some crew members who've been taken hostage.

We learn a lot more about the alien races at this point and learn about the bloodlust of the Antarians and the games they hold in their arena.

I don't want to give the whole plot away but there's an interesting tale being told with the bloodlust and the challenges our heroes face.

I'm a fan of Brian's work anyway. His books suit adults and young adults as well. I think this is mainly due to his writing style as all his books flow well with a decent chapter length and you don't get bogged down in too much detail.

The author manages to give the main characters some depth throughout the story and you may find out you like someone you initially thought you wouldn't.

Now if you want me to be picky I felt the jump sequence used to travel space was a bit long. You hear it used throughout the book so i would have probably shortened it but that's just me.
I guess my only complaint about the book which really isn't a complaint is that it left me wondering what happened next.. I felt the ending of the book was good but i wanted more. Am i being greedy??
Overall i really enjoyed the book and i hope you do as well. Do i think the book is worth the money? yes definitely. Keep em coming Brian and i'll keep buying!